The King of pride

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They came from the heavens, a raging storm, and the loud flap of their tattered wings. The shine of their christened blades tainted by the blood of sinners.

The wail of a newborn baby caused the kings ears to raise, a panic washing over him as he left his throne, his embroidered cloak fluttering behind him as he made his way to the nursery. Upon reaching the nursery his blood red gaze setting upon two soldiers who stood guard.

"My Lord." Came one guards voice, bowing as he met the angered and slightly nervous gaze of his king.

"Why is my child in distress?" He asked calmly as he brushed past them both, the second guard dead silent, afraid to make a move, worried that he may be beheaded.

"I believe it is the extermination outside that has awoken him sir." The first guard replied.

The King ignored the guard, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he made his way into the nursery. The child only continued to weep, writhing in its small crib as it called for it's father. The kings eyes softened as he approached the small wooden bassinet, red silk concealing his infant child, the room itself was a deep red with mahogany furniture, an array of toys and stuffed animals surrounding the crib,the large mobile turning above the crib, the small deer shaped figures dancing and spinning along with it's movements.

With a large clawed hand the king delicately pulled aside the fabric, revealing the small and whimpering fawn, his ears flat and tail tucked between his small, chunky legs.

The kings eyes softened, smiling tenderly as he gently and carefully picked up the delicate little fawn, unbuttoning his suit to tuck the fawn in, a soft purr leaving his lips as he cradled his son. The fawn curled up in his suit jacket, ears flattening more as he melted into his fathers warm embrace.

"It's alright, don't be scared little one. Daddy is here~" he cooed, his own ears flattening as he gently pet the fawns little ears.

The fawn stared up at his father,his small ears perking up as he reached up to grab one of his father's clawed fingers. Soon enough the infants cries faded out, becoming soft and small whines, giving in to the comfort his father provided. The king was at a loss as he gazed into the eyes of his son, having never thought he would create such a sweet and innocent thing in this realm of chaos and evil. But he did. Heavy was the head the wore the crown, he understood that, and he would dare to bear the weight if it meant his child was safe. It was hard to believe not so long ago he was an ordinary demon, a trickster spirit...A heathen.

Now he was king and ruled above the ring of Pride, the first Mortal King to ever rule. It was an impossible feat, and not at all what he intended. He never meant to fall in love, but he did. How he got this far he would never know. And as he looked at his child, a carbon copy of him, he smiled,leaning down to kiss it's small head and tiny ears.

A soft creaking at the door made the kings ear flick backwards, irritation in his voice as he spoke, holding his baby closer to where his heart lie.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice becoming blunt and almost cold. A soft chuckle greeted him.

"Now, is that anyway to speak to your queen, Alastor?" Came your soft voice.

Alastor's ears perked up, standing up with the child in his arms, a smile growing on his face as he saw you, walking over with your small baby.

"My love, I was unaware you were awake. You should be resting." Alastor said as he wrapped an arm around you and held you close, snuggling your child between you both, still snug in his suit.

"It has been a few days since labor Alastor. Demons heal quickly." You chuckled, leaning up and kissing your beloved's cheek.

Alastor blushed, his ears laying flat once more as he nuzzled you,kissing your head tenderly, as though he might lose you the next second.

"Is he alright? I heard him crying and rushed here as fast as i could." You spoke softly, reaching over and caressing your newborns little cheek. Alastor nodded, a bittersweet smile on his face as he looked to the wide and large windows of the nursery, flicking his wrist to shut them.

"It was the extermination outside that scared him. But he is safe." Alastor whispered, wrapping his cloak around you to make a cocoon of warmth.

"It scared me too." You whispered, harrowing memories returning, a single tear slipping down your cheek as you remembered those lost.

Alastor's smile dropped as he reached over and wiped your tear away, caressing your cheek before resting his head against yours.

"They will never truly be gone my love. They still live within our hearts." He whispered.

A soft coo made both you and your beloved look down, warm smiles on your faces as you watched your little fawn nom on Alastor's jacket, his tiny tail waging frantically as he stopped and gazed up at you two.

"We made something beautiful Y/n." Alastor cooed as his kissed his son's head once more, teleporting you both to your shared bed chamber.

The room shared the same red, mahogany design, with bits of new orleans decor, paintings of you and your beloved on the walls with trinkets from your many dates framed between, a huge bed in the middle of the room, hidden by curtains that hung from it, a gigantic vanity with a mirror in front of it, holding many shared items of you and your beloved. The room was a mix of your personality, and Alastor's, though you had successfully talked him out of hanging weird taxidermy all over the room. You weren't sure you could make love while taxidermied animals stared into your soul with judgement.

Though, you did let Alastor put up much of his strange hoodoo items, you didn't understand why he had to put railroad spikes around the corners of the room but if it made him feel safer then it was his prerogative.

"Shall we tell him a story?" Alastor cooed as he sat down on the bed, laying you both down with the fawn still in his embrace.

"We have many to chose from." You cooed, leaning in and placing a tender kiss upon his soft lips, Alastor kissing you back sweetly before you pulled away.

"How about ours?" He cooed, making you blush deeply.

"Our story isn't quite...appropriate." You giggled, reaching up and rubbing his soft, fuzzy ears. Alastor purred deeply, nuzzling your hand before chuckling.

"We can leave those parts out." He chuckled, his cheeks becoming rosy, smiling down at the fawn as he nestled him between your chest and his, his voice becoming soft as he began, using his magic to drown out the death and bloodshed oustide.

"Now...Once upon a time..."

Welcome one and all. To Carnal Cravings. The Rewrite. I suggest you all prepare. This story is different from that of before. Alastor is much different from that we encountered the last time. Yes there will be romance, nsfw scenes, gore and much more. So if you cannot take the heat, then step away from the burner.

Wattpad has returned my story to it's place. So not all is lost. But i felt this was a good time to refurbish the story. To make it less about the music and the sex and more about the story of Alastor and the reader. There is much untold..And much to learn.

Stay tuned.

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