Deal Making Pt. 1

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A soft click of heels against the cobblestone sidewalk echoed through the empty street, accompanied by soft, static laced singing.

It was a familiar tune, that of the bouncy and crooning type. A love song in fact, considering whose lips uttered such words it was amusing. With his shadow stretched long and thin, the tall demon made his way through the streets of hell, eager to set his sights upon another soul, boredom having coaxed him to come outdoors on this fine and blazing day.

Any demon knew better than to cross his path. After was HIM. So once his voice fell upon wandering ears they were quick to flee. It was as empowering as it was borderline lonesome for the Radio demon. But he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy their screams of terror and the utter fear in their eyes when he crossed their path. It was rare he encountered a soul that wasn't afraid with him, though utterly repulsed by the fangirls that weren't.

Where was he headed? Well, every Saturday night there was this little burlesque he would head to. A well known establishment ran by a good friend of his. It wasn't a sexual thing, he didn't particularly care for half naked women, he was more interested in the singers and the various personalities he would encounter there. It was one of few places he found his entertainment. His dear friend Mimzy had insisted that he come tonight, though he already intended to. She had vaguely mentioned that a very well known overlord would be attending tonight's show, as well as some other exciting news.

Now this riled Alastor up, he loved to interact with the other overlords, well..some of them anyway. But nevertheless it fueled his curiosity.



The pistol rang loud through the establishment, leaving a ringing in the ears of anyone within a few feet.

Her smile wide and twisted as she watched the demon convulse on the ground, guts splattered all over the wooden floor. With a soft click of her demonia heels she made her way to the demon, spinning the gun between her fingers and pursing her lips to blow the smoke from the barrel of the gun. It was almost as seductive as it was unnerving. And with a pout she leaned down to the demons level, her pinstriped dress hiking up just enough to see a smaller gun strapped to her thigh.

"Aww..Look at what you did sugar, ya made a mess. Too weak and pitiful to have at least bled out in the alley outside." She chuckled before kicking his body aside.

The demon just gurgled in response, choking on his own blood as he faded away into nothingness, becoming erased from existence. You could tell she was a woman of high status, the Magne family crest giving her away as the royalty she is. Unlike her sister Charlie, she wasn't the rainbow sort, if anything she took kindly to violence and massacre. The eldest sister, and heir to the throne, soon to be Queen of Hell. 

Y/n Morningstar.

"Y/n are you alright?" came the voice of your friend from behind, none other than the notorious pornstar Angeldust himself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. That'll teach that fucker to put his hands on you, if anything i should be askin if you're ok." You mumbled as you slipped your gun back into your pocket,  fixing your hair and adjusting your fedora.

Angeldust gave you a small smile, he wasn't used to people sticking up for him aside from you and Cherri. Everyone else just wanted to use him and even hurt him. But that was hell. You were lucky if you made a friend or two in this secondary life.

"Don't worry about me toots. I'll be just fine." He replied with a chuckle, brushing himself off and fixing his hair.

As you turned around you noticed the petite chubby flapper girl staring at you, slight nervousness in her eyes as she eyed your gun before meeting your gaze.

"I've got the paperwork ready for ya miss Y/n, if you'll just follow me." She said cautiously, gesturing for you to follow after her.

"You should probably head out Angel, Fat nuggets must be hungry right about now." You said as you smiled over at your friend, nodding at your body guards to take him home.

"Thank's again toots, I'll catch ya later." He said, blowing you a kiss before leaving.

Once he was gone you followed after the girl, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with your finger, taking a deep puff before exhaling the smoke.
You took your time to enjoy the atmosphere of the burlesque. It smelling of perfume and makeup, two of your favorite things. You had heard nothing but good things about this place so you took it upon yourself to check it out, and even buy the place if things went well. Which they did, and you even got to kill someone in the process. As you reached the office you were lead to, you took a seat in a chair.

"Thanks for taking care of that scumbag. I don't like riff raff in my burlesque." The petite blonde began as she sat down in an office chair.

"I myself prefer a scumbag free environment. There ain't a lot in hell."
You replied as you took another hot of the cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the side of your mouth.

"If you're ready for me to sign off the rights of this place i have the papers here." She began as she pulled out a fluffy pink pen and some pink pastel papers.

"I'll have one of my associates put the money in your account, you can still have partial owner ship if you'd like, considering i may not always be here to run the joint." You said as you took the pen and signed your name.

"That's awfully kind of ya, but if i may ask, you're royalty, what would you want with a place like this?" She asked making a grin tug at your lips.

"Mimzy right?" You began, making the girl nod. "I've spent many long, and boring years in hell, I decided this year i would entertain myself, start a little mischief and who knows, maybe take up a hobby. I for one took a liking to burlesque fashion, and singing is in my family. I could bring in big money with my looks and talents." You chuckled as you finished signing the papers.

Mimzy rose a brow as she cautiously took the papers, looking them over before signing them as well.

"You sound like a dear old friend of mine. He's the same way, always lookin for entertainment." She chuckled.

"Sounds like a fun guy, now, shall we shake on it and call it official?" You said in an almost sinister tone, extending your hand to Mimzy to shake.

After a moment she took your hand, yours tightening around hers as you gave it a firm shake before releasing, your eyes narrowing and a wide grin spreading across your face as you made the papers disappear.

"I think I'll stay and partake in tonight's events, that seem acceptable?" You asked in a sweet and gentle voice, standing up to now loom about the small demoness.

She looked up at you with a smile, excitement replacing the fear she once had as she stood up as well.

"Sounds like a deal to me."

Carnal Cravings(Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now