Morning coffee

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"Coffee dear?"

It was only fair that you spent the morning with Alastor. Especially after such a wonderful night with him. You smiled warmly as you accepted the hot mug of coffee.

"Of course, thank you." You replied as you sipped it.

Alastor smiled as he looked out the window at the bright, red, morning sky, watching as a few birds flew past the window and perched on the railing of your balcony.

"This is quite a grandiose room.." Alastor began as he looked around, staring at the large stage before looking at you. You smiled as you looked around yourself before laying down on the bed and stretching.

"Yup, I designed it myself. It will suit my needs and I will be able to practice all of my acts here.." You chuckled in reply.

Alastor smiled wide as he looked over at you, unable to help but admire how beautiful you looked under the red light that peeked through the large velvet curtains.

"I've never seen royalty ever working  half as much as you do." He chuckled.

"What kind of person wants to sit on their ass all day? I want to earn my money, It's no fun being at the top if you were born at the top." You replied as you sat up. Alastor nodded in agreement.

"I agree dear, I myself enjoy a good challenge and believe in hard work." He said. "When i was alive i was a radio host, well known at that. And i worked hard to get to my spot. It was worth every penny." He chuckled. "But to be fair i lived a double life as a serial killer." He snickered, his eyes lighting up as he recalled his life.

"You did? How fascinating, do tell me more!" You smiled, curious to learn more about this beguiling man.Alastor chuckled as he looked down at his hands.

"In my life there were many injustices, and horrible people at work. So I took it upon myself to handle them accordingly..And some killings i did for fun.." He said with a demented grin.

"Yes, i had heard you arrived sometime during prohibition." You replied, leaning into the conversation.

"Yes indeed, I died in the 1930's, but i lived a pretty fulfilling life. I like to think that along the way I did help people." He said more sincerely, making you smile.

"It seems like the people who get sent here aren't as evil as some think." You replied, making Alastor raise a brow.

"How so dear?" Alastor asked.

"Well, like you said..Though you did commit "terrible" crimes, you may have helped or saved people in doing so. You are not as "Malicious" as the other make you out to be." You said softly, making his face soften slightly before returning to normal.

"Thank you dear, though I'm afraid that redemption is much too far out of my reach." He said as he fixed his monocle before setting his gaze on you again.

"Well I would hate for you to up and leave me down here, I am really enjoying your company."you giggled, making Alastor smile, his eyes twinkling a little, his heart skipping a beat, a tad surprised to say the least.

"You do?" He asked, trying not to show too much excitement or emotion, having not realized how lonely he had been until now. He wouldn't say it aloud, but it meant a lot to him.

"Of course, you have brought me more joy in the past 24 hours than anyone has in a long time." You said sincerely before taking a long sip of coffee.

"You are quite the entertainer." You said with a more tender smile.

"I would hope so! Or else I better find a different hobby!" He exclaimed, making the both of you laugh.

"So, i have been meaning to ask, will you be staying at the hotel?" You asked,batting your lashes at Alastor.

"Well, I actually decided to install my own radio tower on the side of the hotel, so I suppose I will stay here for the time being." He said with a grin, his eyes suddenly lighting up as he jumped up suddenly.

"Oh dear, I will be late!! I must do my daily broadcast!!" He exclaimed before quickly taking your hand.

"I apologize my dear, I shall return soon." He said in an equally sudden but tender tone, his lips briefly meeting your hand, his kiss making your skin tingle.

"Don't make me wait too long, Al." You giggled, blushing lightly as he did so, his eyes glowing a little brighter as you said his name.

With a smile he pulled away, giving you an exaggerated wave as he made his way to the door.

"Don't worry darling." He began as he threw you a wink before disappearing out the door.

"I wouldn't dream of leaving you alone."

Carnal Cravings(Alastor x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant