The hangover

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(Alastor's Pov)






I jolted awake to find my maid, Nifty, standing in front of me, a look of concern and worry on her face. My vision blurred slightly as I looked around to find that I was in the hotel lobby, laying down on the couch.With a furrowed brow i looked around and scratched the back of my neck, Nifty still standing there with worry in her eyes.

"How did I get here?" I chuckled, wincing a little as I was stricken with a throbbing headache, keeping my eyes on the couch as I adjusted to the light of the room.

"Do you not remember drinking with
Y/n last night?" Nifty asked with genuine concern. She had never seen Alastor like this before.

I smiled as vague visions came to me, hearing Y/n laugh, recalling the music we danced to along with various and chaotic bits of our evening.

"Yes I do." I said with a smile, my mind wandering to her as I looked up slowly at the grand stairs of the hotel, wondering if she was here and awake too.

"She should be here sir. I didn't see her come out of her room or leave at all." Nifty said with a smile, as if hearing my thoughts.

"I think I will check in on her, after all she was just as smashed as I was." I laughed to myself.

Nifty smiled genuinely, zooming away before returning with some breakfast and painkillers. She was still concerned for me as she set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Well before you do so, at least take some painkillers for the hangover and eat a little something. I am sure Y/n will be happy to see you, she seemed very happy with you last night." Nifty said sweetly before turning away to go and clean some more. "See you later Al!" She called over her shoulder before disappearing down a hall.

I smiled warmly and waved as she left, wasting no time taking a drink of water and taking the painkillers. It was very thoughtful of Nifty to look after me. I wished I could remember more of last night, but the giggle water still clouded my mind. But it was ok, I would recall last night soon enough.

After waiting a minute or so I checked myself over, straightening out my suit and my hair before getting up and making my way up the hotel stairs, Y/n still nagging at my brain.

I wanted to at least check in on her before i went about my day.




"Y/n hold still."


Vaggie tried not to laugh as she looked at your tired state. Charlie had asked her to check in on you and make sure you were ok after your night of debauchery with Alastor. Which to their surprise you were just fine, just very hungover.

"Take these and hold still." She said in a stern tone as she detangled your hair, handing you some ibuprofen to help with your pounding headache.

You only sighed, making a few more zombie like noises before taking the ibuprofen, summoning a glass of water to sip from before setting it down on the bathroom counter. Vaggie was like another sister, and despite your conflicting views the both of you got along. Once Vaggie finished detangling your hair she put some leave in conditioner in it and braided it quickly, putting it into a bun that made it look like a rose.

"There, now that flower you kept telling me not to mess with is in a vase of water by your bed. Ok?" She chuckled.

You smiled as you remembered the rose, your mind flashing back to that moment in the garden with Alastor, your heart fluttering as you remembered his poetic words.

"I assume Alastor was good to you? If not I'm gonna stab his bitch ass." Vaggie asked, her tone slightly stern as she looked at you. You blushed lightly, removing yourself from your inner thoughts, hugging yourself a little as you smiled.

"Yes, he was good to me. Him and I had a lot of fun yesterday, but i appreciate you looking out for me." You replied, giggling a little. Vaggie smiled as she fixed a stray hair of yours, tucking it back in.

"You are my family Y/n and my future sister in law, us girls gotta look out for each other, especially in places like this." She said softly before giving you a gentle hug. You smiled as you hugged her back, touched by how much she cared.After a moment she pulled away, checking you over one last time to make sure not a scratch was on you before leaving.

"I will be downstairs making breakfast with Charlie." She said with a smile before disappearing.

Just as she walked down the hall she bumped into Alastor, the both of them letting out a grunt as they collided.

"Oh I'm sorry i didn't see you-" Vaggie stopped as she realized who she bumped into, Alastor glowing red eyes and stretched grin boring into her and making her shiver slightly.

"It's not a problem dear, I am quite alright." Alastor said with an almost smug grin. Vaggie's stomach churned, she didn't like or trust him one but, perhaps due to trauma from men, but him in general..there was something about him that just rubbed her the wrong way, nevertheless she was calm as she spoke.

"Thank you for being kind to Y/n." Vaggie said, her words sudden and catching Alastor off guard.

"No problem, after all women deserve the utmost respect." He replied simply, his smile growing wider.

" how you treated me when you first arrived?" She thought to herself.

"Good, I think you know what would happen to you if anything happened to Y/n." Vaggie said lowly before continuing forward, wanting to put distance between him and her.

Alastor only chuckled to himself, his grin fading into a more serious expression, talking to himself before making his way into your room.

"I am well aware of That."

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