Deal Making pt 2

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(Alastor's Pov)

There's only so much right you can do living in a world of wrong...Or my case, a world of hatred, sin and last of all death.

Boredom was the bane of my existence, when you have lived as long as i have it would be a reaccuring and persitent plague,as with many other demons that riddled this scum infested place. The only time things ever got interesting was before, leading up to, and after the Extermination. It was rare i encountered a soul that fascinated and intruged me, something that was worthy of the chase, fitting that she would be the first to bring me to such a state.

And as i watched her dance, I knew then and there, the pull and tug, those long forgotten instints.....

Those....Carnal Cravings.


(Narrator Pov)

Knock Knock!

"Miss Y/n?"

You batted your long, curled lashes in the direction of the door, in the process of applying a nice red lip when a knock came at the door, finishing applying your lipstick before replying in a sultry tone.

"Come in darling." you replied, smiling as you saw the door open and the small chubby blonde you came to know as Mimzy entered your line of sight.

"I brought ya a drink, I heard you were a fan of whiskey to I brought you a bit of top shelf." she said with a smile as sh brought over a tray with two drinks on it, assuming the other was for her. 

By this time the burlesque had already opened, the sound of cheering echoing down the hall with raunchy 1920's inspired music, a few dancers were performing before you went on. mimzy had said that tonight would be packed, standing room only, demons of all kinds coming to spectate in hopes of getting to see what surprise was in store for tonight. It didn't take long for news to spread, reaching the ears of a certain red headed deer demon in no time.Mimzy would be lying if she said she wasn't excited, this was big for her. She was so excited to tell Alastor about it, she knew he would be proud, after all it was a smart business decision. It was sure to feed his need for entertainment. And she would do anything to make him happy. 

You finished applying the rouge to your cheeks, smiling as you curled your hair to  make you resemble Betty boop, you had always loved that gal.  Beside you awaited a pearl headdress with a matching and rather skimpy outfit, though you didn't mind a bit. You thanked mimzy as you took the drink, taking a long sip before getting changed behind a fancy devider, your silhoutee faintly seen from behind it. Mimzy was unfazed as she enjoyed her drink, deciding to freshen up her makeup as you got dressed.

"I'd assume this ain't your first time performing." Mimzy began as she powdered her face.

"No, I usually would perform with my mother, but she is on a solo tour right now, so i figured i would do my own thing." you replied, slipping on the dress, making sure it covered you well before stepping from behind the divider.

" you replied, slipping on the dress, making sure it covered you well before stepping from behind the divider

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