Stolen kisses pt 3

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"Hello Asmodeus."

You couldn't help but chuckle at your sister's unease. Asmodeus loomed over her, his yes bright and wide, having to stoop a great deal to fit through the doorway.

"Ozzie!" You finally interjected, cutting through the tension in the room as you made your wat over to greet him. The tall blue demon took his eyes off of your sister, chills washing over you as his gaze met yours.

"Dollface!" He replied cheerily as he rushed over to you, picking you up gently and hugging you.

Alastor stood there in shock as he watched the King of Lust hug you, a feeling of jealousy bubbling up within him as he watched you both interact. Usually any demon would be timid in the face of Asmodeus, but due to Alastor's uncanny nature he wasn't the type. He had no idea how tall Demon kings could be, Lucifer was practically a speck compared to Ozzie, it made him wonder about the other Kings.

"And how have you been sweetheart? I wanna know everything!!" Ozzie cooed as he squished your cheeks, his other faces smiling happily.

"I have been doing great Ozzie. I'm sure you've heard I own a burlesque now, and i have also been helping my sister with the hotel!" You said happily,

"Yes i heard Charlie was running a rehabilitation center. And how is that going sweetheart?" Ozzie asked as he looked over at Charlie who smiled shyly.

"It's going good." She managed to squeak out, giving a shy thumbs up.

The sound of a throat being cleared caught Ozzie's attention, looking around for a moment before looking down at Alastor, who of which was standing at his feet, almost glaring up at him.

"Hello there!" Alastor exclaimed, his smile wide.

Asmodeus smiled as he leaned down with you sitting on his large hand, setting you down gently before squatting down and resting his chin on his hands.

"And who might you be handsome fella?" Ozzie asked, smirking as he leaned in close to Al, taking him by surprise. Alastor rose a brow before composing himself, still smiling as he offered his hand to shake.

"Alastor the Radio demon, pleasure to meet your acquaintance Asmodeus." Alastor said in a very peppy tone, hiding his unease as Asmodeus reached down and shook his hand with a firm but painless grip before releasing it.

Asmodues stopped for a moment, looking at you before looking at Alastor, his eyes twinkling with mischief and a bit of excitement as he sensed the connection almost immediately.

"Very interesting. Like two sides of the same a little less knowing than the other." He said eyeing you both before looking back at Alastor who of which was positively clueless, but you were well aware that Ozzie had a particular fondness for meddling in your love affairs, after all you two were close.

"So what brings you here?" You asked, changing the subject. Ozzie's eyes twinkled as he smiled.

"I have some business with Lucifer to take care of, but I wanted to stop by and check on you and Charlie, you both are like family after all." He said kindly, making both you and Charlie smile.

The others were silent, timidly watching the interaction between you, Charlie, Alastor and Asmodeus, keeping a big distance from the Lust King.
Alastor felt a bit of relief, furrowing a brow as he began to ponder why he was even worried to begin with. You smiled warmly at Al, his eyes catching yours, his pupils dilating a little before looking back at the tall demon before you both.

Carnal Cravings(Alastor x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن