Miss independent

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"I'm worried."

Charlie let out a sigh as she fiddled with her paperwork. Her eyes shifting from you and Alastor back to Vaggie who in turn gave her a look.

"I know." Vaggie replied as she looked over at you and Alastor, who of which were laughing away.

You had spent the entire day with Alastor, start to finish, since your last performance things had really began to spice up. Kisses on the hand would linger a little longer, smiles would grow a tad wider, laughs were more sincere, a flirty joke would be thrown in every hour or two. Something was growing.

The seed had been planted, and the tension was starting to build in the best of ways.Alastor had become familiar with the florist, coming in every day or two to buy a bouquet, big or small. If they wilted from his magic you would simply smile and use your magic to perk them back up.

He had even started talking about you with Nifty, Husk, and even Rosie. He had yet to recognize the feelings but they were there. When you would talk with Charlie the conversation wouldn't even be about him but somehow your mind would drift and wander and in one way or another he would come up in the conversation and it could be something as simple as a joke he told you or something he did for you that day. It wasn't hard to see it.

And while some were supportive like Nifty and Angel dust, others like Charlie and Husk were concerned.

You and Alastor were two sides of the same coin. With big ego's and immense power this could be a problem. It's not that they were worried no, they weren't worried that he would hurt you physically anyway, Alastor was a mastermind at manipulation. And Charlie didn't want to see you go through something she had just went through before. And Husk didn't want to see Alastor erased if he managed to fuck up the good thing that he seemingly had. They both only hoped that this wasn't all some big Power Play to take over.

Charlie wasn't a pushover she would get to the bottom of this, and if he didn't seem like it was genuine and her and her partner would protect you. Either way there is no way she would let you get hurt. But for now, she would watch carefully rather than jump to conclusions.

"So tell me sugar, are you busy tomorrow?" You openly flirted, batting your lashes at the tall stag.Alastor blushed a bit, as he fixed his tie and smoothed out his suit.

"I have completed my work for the week, once I make my daily broadcast tomorrow I'll be all yours dear."Alastor replied with a grin, leaning a bit closer to you.

You smiled and gently placed your hand on his chest, deciding to tease him a bit as you leaned in close, your lips an inch or two from his, catching him completely off guard.

"All mine~?" You asked sweetly, tracing a little heart on his chest.

Alastor's, smile twitched and his eyes grew wide, a heavy blush growing in his cheeks, his radio static growing heavy. You tried not to giggle as you heard a radio shriek before he returned to normal, playing it off as cool as he could before taking the hand that was on his chest, kissing it tenderly as his eyes met yours.

"All yours dear." He chuckled against your skin. You blushed as you resisted the urge to caress his cheek, biting your lip a bit as you looked down and away.

Alastor could feel his heart flutter, his eyes widening a bit as you returned the kind gesture, taking his hand and bringing it up to your lips, placing a gentle and sweet kiss on it before releasing it.

"I shall see you soon deer boy." You giggled, blowing him a kiss over your shoulder before making your way to the kitchen to help Nifty clean.

"Such a lovely flower." Alastor whispered to himself with a wide smile,feeling shivers down his spine, his hand tingling where you kissed it, watching you walk away with a light blush.

Carnal Cravings(Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now