Stolen kisses

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(I dedicate this chapter to _HXNEY_GXLD3N_ in honor of their birthday! Congrats on making it another year on this shitty planet!! May you be blessed this year! !!Happy birthday!!)

"Good Morning dear listeners! It's another beautiful red sky morning in the pride ring!I'm your host , Alastor!"

He was an hour early this morning and he knew it. But he didn't care. He had to do something, anything to occupy himself. Yesterday was strange, almost as though it were a dream. He couldn't sleep, he spent the whole night wide awake thinking about the last twenty four hours. From start to finish he replayed the events leading right up to the moment you kissed him, he wasn't even sure it had actually happened, but the tingle in his lips said otherwise. It was as though you had marked him.

"Another beautiful performace was held last friday by the wonderful and extrodinarily talented Y/n Morningstar! A true divine beauty! I was dazzled! And I absolutely reccomend going to see her shows!" Alastor boasted, a light blush dusting his nose as he praised you.

"Furthermore on the subject of Hell's heir to the throne, her younger sister Charlie has opened hells first sinner rehabilitation center! And I personallty invite each and every one of my listeners to the one and only Hazbin hotel! Try your luck at redemption, and have the chance to meet Hell's lovely princesses as well as yours truly!" Alastor said, grinning to himself as he spoke into his mic, his mic making various cheering soungs and clapping to enhance his speech.

He didn't notice you leaning in the doorway of his radio tower, silently admring him as he spoke, having only arrived moments ago to see him. This was your first time in the radio room. You figured now would be a good time as any, plus you would get more alone time with him. You only smiled more as you held the large vase of roses, planning to surprise him with them as a thank you, but also a tender act of love.

You watched in silence as he continued to talk before then pressing a button to playy jazz music, signaling that he would be taking a break. When he turned around in his chair he let out a loud radio squeak of surprise as he saw you, his eyes growing wide as he jumped a bit, making you almost drop the vase, saving it before it could drop, Alastor sat there for a moment before immediately standing up and recomposing himself, clearing his throat before swooping in towards you to greet you.

"Y/n my darling! Good morning!" he began as if nothing had happened, his eyes immediately wandering to the vase full of flowers.

"What is that dear?" he asked, smiling warmly at you. You couldn't help but blush deeply as you held up the roses, making sure the little card they came with stood out before handing them to him bashfully.

"A gift for you Al." You blushed, giggling a little.

Alastor's eyes noticably softened, this morning already full of surprises, his smile growing very soft and sincere as he took the vase of flowers in his hand and smelled them happily, taking in their soft and supple scent along with hints of your perfume. He was quiet for a moment, taking the time to carry them over to his desk and set them down, taking your hand and guiding you with him. He was excited to say the least, eagerly pulling out the little card to read it.

'For, Alastor, whom I adore, 'Sincerely, Y/n' it read.

Alastor's smile grew wide as he gently tucked the card back into the flowers before turning back to you, who of which was anxious for his reaction, secretly worried that it may have been a little much. But to your surprise Alastor wasted no time pulling you into his embrace, his hand cupping your cheek as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened a bit in surprise before fluttering shut, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer as you kissed him back, deepening the kiss with a soft purr.

His lips tingled once more, feeling warm and fuzzy inside, as he felt you kiss him back. He tried not to shiver as he felt your soft clawed fingers play with the short hairs on the back of his neck as well as his undercut. You couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he pulled you flush against him, one hand holding on to your waist. You felt a little bold, playfully but gently nipping at his lower lip, sucking on it a bit before releasing it and kissing him once more, Alastor rose a brow in surprise but decided he would indulge himself, repeating your action if not better than you, his sharp teeth nipping at your lips, gently sucking on your lower lip before releasing it and then gently licking your lips, to both your surprise as well as his own.

"You're pretty good at this deer boy." You purred against his lips, making Alastor blush, pulling you even closer.

"It's because your lips taste delectable." Alastor said to his own surprise, making himself blush deeply as he held you a little tighter.

"There are other parts of me that taste just as good~" you whispered playfully before nipping at his lips, making Alastor's ears perk up. His stomach doing a flip as he took in your words, it being enough to make him pull away for a moment and gaze into your eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked, rasing a brow in wonder, wondering if you were alluding to what he thought you were. You only leaned in and kissed him one more time, nipping him once more before pulling away slowly and whispering.

"If you stick around long enough maybe you'll find out." You whispered with a sly smile, winking at him before pulling away completeley, leaving the tall buck at a loss for words, not quite sure how to react to your statement, well, more of an invitation. Perhaps it was your succubi nature that made it all the more considerable, but Alastor wouldn't deny he felt a twinge of desire, or rather a hunger for what awaited him if he considered the offer.

What carnal luxury awaited him? Such a delicious thought. And as he watched you leave the room he couldn't help but wonder what this relationship between you and him would become if he were to in fact court you, or give in to sin or two. Though he didn't particularily care for such interactions and much less the cheesy and sickening thing that was love, he would play the game. And as he sat back down to resume his radio broadcast he thought to himself.

"Perhaps good things do exist in hell."

Carnal Cravings(Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now