A date with the Radio Demon pt 1

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The day was spent in quiet and calm, you had enjoyed most of your day pampering yourself for tonight. You were excited for your date with the radio demon.

"Are you sure you about this?" Charlie asked, stifling a laugh as she watched you peel the collagen and watermelon mask off of your face, you then proceeding to rub the liquid in.

"Yes! This would be a great opportunity to get to know our new associate." You giggled, smiling as you made sure your face was dry, finishing your skin care routine before applying some natural makeup, a bit of concealer, some fox wing eyeliner and mascara, maybe a bit of blush as well.

Charlie smiled, finding it nice that you were starting to heal from what happened. She had missed you getting excited over things and people. She just hoped that Alastor would be nice to you. And he would if he knew what was good for him.

While you were busy dolling yourself up Alastor himself was getting ready, he had showered, styled his hair and even put on a bite of cologne, a special mixture of oils with a hint of his own magic. He wanted to be fresh and clean for his evening with you. He wore his usual suit, having washed and tailored it so that it looked as though it were brand new. He also shined his shoes and replaced his tie, though it was seemingly unnoticeable it still mattered to him.

It wasn't long before he arrived at the hotel, swooping in though the door, his tail threatening to wag as he made his way to the hotels stairs to wait for you, doing one last check to make sure he looked and smelled nice.

Within a matter of minutes you appeared, wearing a simple red dress and strappy heels, it wasn't something big, but to Alastor you looked stunning, watching with a smile as you descended down the stairs. You blushed a little as you felt his red hot gaze on you, Alastor's eyes becoming half lidded as you gazed back at him, thinking he looked nice today, even taking notice of his new tie.

"You look lovely tonight.." You said with a smile as you reached the bottom of the stairs. Alastor smiled as he took your hand, kissing it gently and looking up at you.

"Not quite as lovely as you darling." He replied in a suave tone, pulling away before offering his arm for you to hold on to.You blushed as you linked your arm with his, fighting the urge to cuddle up to him instinctively.

"Shall we?" He asked as he looked down at you.You nodded, smiling widely as you took the lead and pulled him out the door, Alastor chuckling at your assertiveness, the both of you keeping pace with each other.

"So what would you like to do darling?" Alastor inquired as you made your way down the sidewalk.

"Would you be opposed to a little havoc wreaking?" You replied a devilish grin adorning your features.

Alastor grinned evilly.

"Not at all my dear."

(It took me hours of listening to sing music to find this which perfectly fits the scene.)

Bold = Alastor Italic = You underline = both

As if reading each other's minds you snapped your fingers simultaneously, a large demon jazz band appearing out of thin air, swing music ringing through the air as Alastor's outfit changed into the same suit and top hat he wore before and your suit becoming a red and black pinstripe flapper dress.

"Shall we my dear?" Alastor chuckled offering his hand.

"Lead the way AL!" you exclaimed.

Hand in hand you and Alastor began your reckless rampage through the streets, leaving chaos in your wake as you began to slaughter passerby demons, Alastor spun you around with one hand before plunging the end of his staff through a demon's throat.

Carnal Cravings(Alastor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now