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Your eyes narrowed as you summoned your wings, all four expanding in a great blaze of fire and light as you flew up onto the sphere Adam had summoned.

"THERE IS NO ORDER!" You seethed, digging your heel into the spare and making it crack as you proceeded to show visions and video of the Exorcists as well as Adam slaughtering  women and children of hell.

"You all speak of divine ordainment, to do what must be done, how there is right and wrong. Does THIS seem right to you?!" You shrieked The jury watched with wide eyes as you showed Lute harming another exorcist.

"Even your own know nothing of honor." You said with a twisted grin, watching Emily and Sera's faces drop, eyes wide with horror.

"OBJECTION! DONT LISTEN TO THIS CUNT!" Adam shouted before flying down and trying to use his wings to block you.

"There is still no evidence that even proves that sinners can be redeemed. They're sinners!!!!" Adam said with an awkward laugh.

"AND YET SOMEHOW THEY HOLD MORE HONOR THAN OUR OWN!" Emily shouted, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked to you and then to the sphere.

"Insult and threaten me however you like Adam." You hissed as you shoved him out of the way, causing the audience to gasp. You could feel yourself start to slip into your demon form, your wings growing huge and horns elongating as you began to tower over Adam, a ring of fire bursting out from the ground to surround you, Adam and the sphere.

"But never forget, that it was I WHO SLEW YOUR PRECIOUS EXTERMINATORS. And if you or any other of your angels touch my sisters hotel or its patrons I will stain these streets red with your blood. " You hissed, making the audience gasp again, watching with a wicked smile as the angels drew their weapons,  Sera's angelic form showing as she put out the fire with a wave of her hand.

"Have you come to state your case or have you come to make threats?" Sera spoke calmly, waving her hands to calm and silence the jury.

"Y/n." Your sister whispered, reaching out to you.

"Both." You said through grit teeth.

"I am the backbone of hell. And my sister is it's voice." You began, tucking your wings and reverting back to your normal form.

"But I can assure you this. We will not bow! We will not be silenced! And I will not hesitate to defend what is precious to me and my family. I will not hesitate to protect those you deem unworthy and unclean. Because they are our people. You may not see the light within them, but that light still lives."

"Oh shut the fuc-" Adam began before getting silenced by Emily, her eyes wide with anger as she looked upon him.

"Please, I promise if you just gave us a chance, we could prove that the people of hell can better themselves, that they can live among the clouds rather than be erased from existence entirely. " Your sister pleaded, looking up at Sera and Emily.

"I'm sorry, but-" you put up your hand, not allowing Sera to finish speaking.

"I know you won't listen, but do us a favor. The next time you want to slaughter and erase souls, practice the commandments you preach and maybe read that precious bible of yours." You spat, grabbing Charlie and pulling her along with you.

"Y/n wait!" Your sister pleaded as you summoned a portal back to hell, you pushed her through the portal with a sigh, taking one last look over your shoulder at the Angels before mockingly crossing your heart, flicking Adam off before falling into the portal.

Time slowed as you fell through the portal, Thousands of large eyes in the pitch black void looking upon you, the same eyes that deemed who was and wasn't worthy. Your wings spread, throwing your head back and laughing bitterly as you fell, heaven's grasp falling farther from reach.

You closed your eyes, wings tucking as you felt yourself be propelled through the red skies of hell once more, catching up to your sister and wrapping her in your wings.

"It's not fair..." Charlie whispered into your white feathers. You let out a sigh as you held your sister, unaware of the thousands of eager ears that heard your meeting in heaven.

"We will rise, one way or another."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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