Planting the seed pt 1

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It had come to the point to where you had become part of Alastor's daily routine. He would wake up, do his morning rounds, and then come see you before doing his daily broadcast.

You would wait for him with coffee brewed and a tray of breakfast pastries and bagels. Alastor would be lying if he didn't appreciate your kindness, usually he couldn't get through saying "Hello" before people ran away from him. You were one of few who treated him like a normal person.

"Hello there!"

The florist's eyes grew wide as he met the burning red gaze of the radio demon himself. Alastor's smile grew a little wider as he watched him shiver in fear.

"H-hello s-sir...h-how can I help you today?" He managed to squeak out as he looked down and away from Alastor.

Alastor smiled as he pointed to a bouquet of black and red roses, adorned by baby's breath and beautiful horned vines.

"I would like to buy a bouquet."


You sighed softly as you ran the brush through your hair, humming as your mind wandered to Alastor.

He was late today, he usually came to see you around 8 to 8:30 in the morning. But you weren't worried. You smiled as you thought of him, imagining his smile and his fiery red gaze. You loved how he would stop to kiss your hand each and every time he arrived and before he left.

"Where's smiles at?" You heard from behind you, making you turn around and smile as you saw Husk.

"Funny, I should be asking you, you are his friend after all." You giggled, crossing your legs and resting your chin on your hands.

"I dunno, but when you see him tell him he owe's me five dollars." Husk grumbled before slumping out of the room, making you giggle more.

"A very peppy fellow isn't he?" You heard from your side, jumping in surprise as you saw Alastor materialize beside you, chuckling almost mischeviously.

"You're here!" You giggled happily, making Alastor's eyes widen a bit as you hugged him before rushing to get the tray of breakfast and coffee, summoning a table for you both to sit at.

Alastor, smiled warmly as he stood up, the bouquet of flowers materializing in his hand as he did so.

"Goodmorning darling." Alastor said in his usual cheerful tone, smiling more as he swooped forward to offer the roses to you.

"My apologies for being late, I found a lovely flower shop on my way and wanted to bring you something just as lovely as you." He said.

You blushed deeply as you turned to meet the huge bouquet of red and black roses, your heart fluttering a bit at his words. One hand gently cupping over your mouth as you took the bouquet of flowers with the other, sitting down slowly as you quietly admired them.

"Consider this a thank you for the wonderful mornings we spend together." Alastor said cheerily.

You let out a soft and almost lovesick sigh, summoning a large vase by your bedside filled with water, using your magic to delicately cut the last two inches of the rose stems before putting them in the vase. You only blushed harder as you looked up at Alastor.

"That is the most thoughtful thing anyone has done for me in a long time." You said softly. And without thinking you stood on your tip toes and kissed Alastor on the cheek, making his eyes grow wide.

He felt his face heat up and a weird fluttery feeling in his chest. He didn't dislike it by any means, in fact his smile turned slightly goofy and cartoonish. For the first time feeling slightly bashful.

"No problem dear, I am glad that you love them." He said before stooping down and taking your hand to kiss it as he always did.

You couldn't help but giggle as you noticed you left a red kiss mark on his cheek, making him raise a brow as his lips met your skin briefly before pulling away.

"What is the matter dear?" He asked, his head tilting a bit.

"I accidentally left a mark on your cheek, my apologies." You said with a blushing smile, summoning a napkin for him to use.

Alastor smiled widely as he waved the napkin away.

"Nonsense, it would be rude to wipe away such a gift." He said almost flirtatiously.

"If you keep sweet talking me I just may give you another." You flirted back, making Alastor's cheeks turn slightly red.

He couldn't seem to come up with anything to say, his ears flattening ever so slightly before chuckling and looking away from your lovely gaze.

"What's a matter Al~? Kitty caught your tongue." You said with a giggle, Alastor smiled, the track in his mic going "oooh" and whistling, only embarrassing him further as he took a seat across from you at the table.

"I suppose so darling." He chuckled awkwardly, "accidentally" banging his mic against the table to make it stop.

"Your mic seems to have a sense of humor." You said, taking a sip of coffee before beginning to eat.

Alastor chuckled once more before starting to enjoy his breakfast, glancing at you for a moment before looking to his meal.

"Indeed, though it can be quite unruly at times." He said with a slight grin.

"Speaking of microphones, I have another performance this evening at Mimzy's if you would like to join me, the ticket's are sold out but you can be my plus one."

"I am aware dear, I would be honored to accompany and see you perform. I was rather dazzled the last time." He said with a grin, his mind recalling that rather steamy interaction, his mic once more whistling and cheering.

"I look forward to your performance" he continued, ignoring the mic as he smiled again. Not that he ever stopped smiling.

"I look forward to you watching me perform. Perhaps I shall visit you again in the front row." You flirted, alluding to last time, feeling tingly as you remembered how he felt against you.

"She's certainly bold." He thought.

"By all means, I shall save you a seat." He winked, surprising even himself at that remark, his mic once more cheering.

You both couldn't help but laugh at the mic, before continuing to enjoy breakfast and eachother's company.

"Perhaps we could make our rendezvous a regular thing, aside from our mornings together hmm? I would  love to get to know you better." You asked, batting your eyes at him.

"What a marvelous idea darling, what better way to spend my time at the Hazbin hotel?!" He exclaimed, a wild and happy smile on his face.

"Swear to it~?" You giggled, offering your hand to shake.

Alastor grinned before taking your hand and shaking it, placing another kiss upon it and chuckling himself.

"It's a deal sweetheart."

A/n: Great things are coming next chapter!! Things are going to star heating up here ver very soon!!!! I'm trying my best to write this is a way that isn't cringy. I had ideas for Alastor to sing and it be musical like the last time but better! Let me know your thoughts. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I will be working on "Reality" alastor x reader now that i have two days off!! I know you guys have been asking and wondering.

And by all means don't be shy!!! Share this story with your friends and anyone who would be interested.  I would also like to know how you came upon my story!!! I am curious to know, I care deeply and love each and every one of my readers and followers.

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