Old acquaintances

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"No!!! Please!! Mister Von-"


"Shut the fuck up."

The tall iridian colored demon stood hunched oven in the alley, looming over the large and now lifeless shark demon. He chuckled softly as he stooped to the demons height,blowing the smoke from the barrel of his pistol before wiping  the blood off his jacket.

"Punk ass motherfucker." He seethed before standing up to full height and kicking the corpse, sending it flying into the shadow of the alley to be eaten by the waiting cannibals.

Seviathan's eyes darkened, glaring into the darkness before picking up his bag, that which was stolen from him. It only had some drinks in it along with a couple hundred dollars, but that wasn't important to him, there was something else inside that was exceedingly important.

"Mister Von Eldritch." Came his bodyguards voice from the end of the alley, a well dressed demon with long horns.

"I'm coming Earl, gimme a minute." Seviathan called over his shoulder as he turned around and made his way out of the alley, Earl making his way to the awaiting limo and holding the back door open for the leviathan demon.

Seviathan quietly thanked him before slipping into the back seat, pulling a cigarette out of his jacket and popping the end in his mouth, clicking his nails together to make sparks and light it up, taking a deep puff as it was hit.

Earl watched him with a soft from before making his way to the drivers side and slipping into the front seat, turning the ignition of the car on and letting it run for a moment. Seviathan paid him no mind as he opened up his bag, trying to hold his composure as he searched his bag to make sure everything was there.

But more importantly to make sure that it was still there.

The most precious thing he owned.

The soft jingle of the stuffed toy gave Seviathan relief, his hand brushing against the soft velvety fur of it as he moved his hand around the inside of the bag, he was thankful it was still there. Thank Fuck. Seviathan let out a sigh as he tenderly pulled out the little stuffed toy, a small green dragon that resembled a leviathan. A soft smile spread across his face as he hugged it to his chest, breathing in its soft and subtle scent of lavender before gazing into its soft black eyes.

"Is the toy alright sir?" Earl asked, causing Seviathan's pupils constricting as his green gaze set upon his driver.

Seviathan was quiet for a moment, taking the time to examine the toy, double checking to make sure it wasn't damaged before kissing its head, slipping it into the jacket with a soft sigh. His chest ached as he hugged himself, taking another puff of his cigarette before nodding.

"Yeah, It's fine." Seviathan replied with a bitter smile, unwanted memories beginning to creep in as he curled up in the seat.

Earl said nothing more as he turned on one of the many tv's in the back of the limo.

Now imagine the Von eldritch's surprise when your face immediately appeared on screen. Seviathan almost coughed as he sat up straight, his gloomy demeanor changing as he turned up the volume of the TV to see what Katie killjoy was saying.

In an instant Earl regret turning on the Tv, it would only make things worse. He knew how sensitive Seviathan was about you or anything regarding you. He had only hoped what he saw would be quickly dismissed.But it wasn't. In fact. At that moment it was one of the worst things the Von Eldritch could see. Seviathan's eyes grew wide as he watched the play back of you in the radio demons lap, numerous pictures of you and him from your night with him in the lust ring on display . Seviathan's eyes darkened, his chest aching harder, guilt and shame washing over him, along with another recognizable emotion....Envy.

"Has Y/n Magne found a new boy toy?" Katie Killjoy chuckled from the other side of the screen.


Earl jumped as Seviathan drove his fist through the small screen, shaking as he watched blood drip from Seviathan's hand. There was nothing he could say to help, a sad smile on his face as he looked straight ahead at the road. Seviathan was quiet, watching glass fall to the floor as he brushed off his bloody fist before setting it back in his lap, his eyes black, green irises faintly glowing, barely visible behind the rage and hurt.

"Earl.." Seviathan said calmly, rage laced in his tone, making Earl shake as he hesitantly looked in the mirror, watching as Seviathan clutched the toy tighter.

"Y-yes sir?" He replied, in slight fear for his life.

Seviathan stared at the broken tv for a moment before meeting Earls frightened gaze, his voice eerily calm as he spoke.

"Take me home."

Earl nodded as he began to drive, fumbling for a moment before regaining focus, his hands shaking as he gripped the wheel.

"R-Right away sir."


Decided to put the Seviathan angst back in here. But we are taking a different twist on it. I'm upping my antics now that i am back.

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