You die

69 2 1

just kidding!!!

(listen to that while you read!!! JUST GAVE ME THE VIBES~)

You had to wait for an entire week for your mother to leave somewhere because if she found out what was happening to you, she'd declare war against the empire. Wendy had said that to you, and the look in her eyes showed she wasn't joking.

Her majesty did leave on next Monday, for a scheduled touring of the empire like she did once a month.

For that period, you had nightmares, each scarier than the last. Jimin and Wendy would stay in your room to calm the nightmares down. They brought out the happiest moments you had and would try to beat him.

He was a bit of a bitch if you ask them.

Taehyung... well he couldn't and shouldn't stay in the room.

He would get triggered seeing you scream and cry. It made him feel terrified that he was seeing something like that, and you were going through something horrible. It triggered him badly and he'd cry as well.

Thank god Wendy noona and Jimin told him to not stay in the room while they do their stuff. Otherwise, y'all gonna see him cry to no extent and not let anyone near him.

Anyways, back to the present.

Mother empress had left to do a tour like aways and Jimin and Wendy had like 6 hours and one shot at this. The staff had promised not to let it out and stay silent about this.

After you talked with your besties, (maybe Taehyung practically threw himself on you crying and the idiot couple continued. But I'm saying 'maybe') they took you to the biggest room in the entire palace (the ballroom) and locked it.

"Alright y/n, it would be kinda painful so," Wendy dug up her pockets and brought out a leaf. She handed it to you. "Chew it but don't swallow. It'll act like anesthesia." I hope it does, she said it in her head.

"Are you telling me to become a cow?"

"Yes, honey. Now put it in your damn mouth and chew it. But don't swallow it. Let the juices do something to your nervous system okay? You'll feel light-headed."

"Okay, Wendy~"

"Also," Jimin said. "You might float into the air so don't panic if you see yourself near the ceiling."

"Okay Jimin~"

"Okay. So we're gonna start?" Wendy looked at you if you wanted to do this. You nodded in affirmation.

Jimin closed his eyes for a few seconds and you chewed on the leaf Wendy gave. It tasted kinda bitter yet minty. Your mouth was slowly becoming heavy then your head as well.

Jimin opened his eyes but they were deep violet instead of dark brown/ you slowly felt yourself being lifted into the air while the rest of your body was becoming heavier.

Wendy rubbed her hands hard and then rested them on her forehead.

Exactly that's where it started hurting.


"Good morning, your highness. Had a good sleep?"

Your eyes snapped open to a sweet voice. You turned your head and found a fairy/elf thing stirring a pot filled with... red water? Did this thing add flavoring and coloring to it?

"No, I'm not a thing!" it snapped. "I'm a Kgid! K-G-I-D, the g is silent."

"A who?"


"I never heard of it."

"I know! I just made it up. Also, I didn't add any weird coloring and flavoring that you're thinking about."

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