Orange Lilies - Charlight

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"How long have you been standing there?" The ginger haired girl asked, a look of concern and curiousness mixed on her face.

"O-oh. Heyyy Char Char!..." Light replied quickly, accompanied by an awkward and forced chuckle.

"Umm you wanna come in or?..." Charli asked, while looking around to see if anyone else was somehow hiding behind her door.

"Uh, um yea. Of course. Sure." The lavender haired boy said shortly, his eyes looking at anywhere but the shorter girl. She moved to the side as she let Light step inside, even his steps sounded different than normal.

"Oooh who's the lucky girl? I hope it's me~" Charli said suddenly as she spotted the bouquet of flowers in Light's hand, an excited smile on her face.

God was this gonna be hard. Light thought to himself as he fidgeted softly with the petals of the orange lilies.

"Um, Charli I brought you these flowers, for uh you-" he stopped shortly after realizing how weird his sentence had been. He looked down again, closing his amethyst eyes quickly.

Great, he was already making a fool of himself and he hadn't even got to the important part. Charli looked at him curiously, hesitantly, not sure of what to do.

"Um... Are you okay Light? You don't look too well." She said, not sure of whether this was a confession or some sort of apology.

"Yea. I'm fine!" The lavender haired boy looked up at her, regaining the confidence he had lost while walking down the road to Charli's house. He couldn't mess this up. He'd lost her once, and he wasn't going to lose her again.

"Charli, I just wanted to say that umm... I think you look very orange today-" Wow. Smooth going Light, you really did it this time.

"Hehe, I think you look mighty purple yourself!" She giggled, sort of grasping on to what was going on. Charli's giggles restored the confidence Light had, once again, lost.

  "Here." He said, a little bit too loud, while passing her the orange lilies. "Oh, thanks Light!" The ginger haired girl said happily, her amber eyes sparkling.

God he loved when she said his name. "Um Charli," he began, his ears turning a soft red. "I really like you. And I really don't wanna lose you again...-" he stopped talking, his voice cracking up.

He had finally broken down, his fears too much for him to handle. Light felt as warm tears slid down his cheeks and tried to swipe them away quickly, not daring to look up at Charli.

The ginger haired girl's eyes widened slightly. Light had confessed to her! And now he was... Crying? "Light..." She began, setting down the bouquet on a near table as she stepped closer to him.

She quickly put her arms around him, settling her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry, don't cry. You won't lose me, that was in the past." She said to Light, her heart aching for him.

"I'll stay with you, forever, I promise." She whispered softly, noticing how Light's arms wrapped around her too. He buried his head in her neck as she looked up at him.

"Light, have I ever told you how much I like you?" She asked curiously. He didn't look up at her, his ears burning a hot red.

He nodded softly, recalling all the times that Charli had confessed to him, with almost always no return of feelings from his side.

"Well, I still do you like you. A lot more than I did in the beginning, please remember that..." She said as she stroked her fingers through his messy lavender hair.

"I like you too." He mumbled softly into her neck, his confession still managing to reach Charli's ear.

"I'm glad you do." She replied back softly as she hugged him tighter, knowing this time she wouldn't let go of him.


Hhhhhhhhhhhh that was more emotionally packed than I thought it would be when I first started writing this one shot-- but uhhh yea I kinda wanted to add in some angst(?) with how Charli gave up on Light and went for Jade in the past. I've always imagined that it's hurt Light as a character and he still bears some sort of pain from having lost Charli once- Hochi ♡

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