Troubles - Soraxx

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Requested by INot_Hikari-San (like three months ago... Oops)

A/N: Hello hello, guess who's back! Unlike ao3 authors, I don't have an excuse. No, I was not run over by a car and left to rot in my deathbed at a hospital, I was simply... Brain dead. But if it makes me sound any better, I'm currently sick so... Accept my apology? Actually, accept it after you finish reading today's oneshot because um... Angst! Don't worry though, happy ending!!

Tw: mentions of suicidal thoughts(?)
(Very brief, no need to worry)


The house was quiet, most of the Squad having gone out for the night. They'd invited Sora and Jaxx to go as well, but Jaxx had declined for the both of them, saying he "needed to have a chat with Sora."

The friends hadn't thought anything of it, they simply believed the two wanted to spend some time alone. They always seemed like such a perfect couple, who'd ever think that they had their own problems?

The soft bickering of the two lovers could be heard coming from their shared bedroom, where Sora had been surprised with Jaxx's conversation topic.

"Don't make this harder than it already is." Jaxx grumbled out as he clenched his fists gently, his head turned away from the bluenette.

He'd always seen that saying being used in books and movies, but he never thought that his own boyfriend would use it on him.

"I just, I don't understand..." He said in a broken whisper, tears already threatening to spill.

"I can't bear being hurt by you anymore, Sora. I give you all of me, yet you don't even give me half of yourself."

Sora stepped back in surprise as he blinked away the tears, gently hitting the bed behind him, "But... I love you Jaxx, I always have." He stuttered out desperately.

"Really? Because sometimes it doesn't seem like it." He muttered back bitterly as he shook his head, a soft frown on his face.

He crossed his arms as both remained quiet, nothing left to say as the space grew between them.

"I just... can't think straight with you anymore." He said in a hushed whisper as he finally looked back at the bluenette, his eyes full of hurt.

Time seemed to stop as Sora stared at his lover blankly, his heart sinking further and further as the clock ticked on in the background.

Jaxx's confession was just like his, except it didn't make his heart skip a beat. If anything, it had done quite the opposite.

He'd said those similar words, "I can't think straight when it comes to you and I hate it." when he'd confessed his love for the redhead. And here they were once more, years later, teary eyed as they looked at each other with a growing barrier in between them.

"You... You never had a problem with it before." Sora stuttered out as he began to fiddle with his hands gently. He never thought Jaxx would feel this way, he was never trying to hurt him.

"I did, Sora. I did." He muttered in response as he looked away from the bluenette. "I stayed quiet thinking you'd eventually stop, but clearly that didn't happen."

"Okay, I get it. We can solve this Jaxx..." Sora mumbled quickly as he rushed towards Jaxx, his hands reaching out for his lover's. But Jaxx only stepped back, looking at him with an emotionless expression on his face as he kept his hands glued to his side.

"I think we need to have a break."

Sora stared back in surprise as his body visibly stiffened, his mouth begining to quiver. "No... No, we can fix this Jaxx. I can fix this. I can fix me." He babbled on as his hands began to shake, desperation presently clear in his eyes.

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