Forbidden Love, And Dates...? - Charlight

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A/N: This oneshot takes place in the angels and demons au from the "Don't Fall In Love With The Demon.." video.


Charli ran around her bakery excitedly as she waited for Alex to arrive. She had a date in Hell with Light, and she needed someone to take care of her bakery while she was away for the day.

The front door opened, the twinkle of the bells above it notifying Charli that the blonde was finally here.

"Hey Charli!" Alex chirped as she ran over to the ginger and gave her a hug, "Sorry I took a while, a newcomer was asking me for directions."

"It's okay," the other said, returning the friendly gesture, "I'd love to stay and chat, but my dear Light is waiting!!"

"Enjoy your date." Alex said with a giggle.

Charli waved goodbye and walked out of her bakery, stopping for a second to peek at her reflection in the window.

She smoothed down her ginger hair, then quickly turned around and hopped down the stone stairs that led down from her bakery.

Charli could hardly contain her excitement as she ran across Heaven's streets, giving quick waves to her friendly neighbors.

She slowed down once finally at the gate that separated Heaven from Hell. The ginger glanced around her, making sure that there were no passerbys as she slipped behind a building.

Charli let out a loud "Caw caw! Caw caw!" as she looked around Hell's rocks.

The sound of soft footsteps was heard from the other side. The head of a lavender haired demon peeking from a rock suddenly appeared.

He ran over to the gate, careful not to slip and fall into the small puddle that separated him from the white gate.

"Hello, my beautiful angel Charli!" Light exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

He watched as Charli ran over to the right end of the gate, crossing into Hell territory.

The ginger quickly made her way over to Light, embracing him in a big hug once close enough.

Charli gave him a couple quick pecks on his lips before complimenting him with a "You look so cute Light!!"

"Thank you, thank you." The shorter replied with a foolish smile as he retracted his arms from Charli and then intertwined his hand with her own.

"So what's first on the list?" The ginger asked curiously as she followed Light into the town.

"We are gonna go back to that restaurant from some days ago. You know, the one we were having a date at before being kicked out by Levi." He replied as he glanced out into the street from the shade of a building.

Most people were getting used to the idea of angels and demons getting along, and Light knew that his friends accepted Charli and his' relationship, but they still had to keep a look out some times for judgemental passerbys.

Seeing that the coast was clear, he silently squeezed the ginger's hand and led her into the small restaurant.

As always, it was deserted. Light had half expected Levi to have been in there, since he seemed to enjoy spending his time eating the so called "chicken."

It didn't really matter though, since this only made their date more romantic. He closed the door behind them, then made his way back to the table that Charli was already seated at.

"So, what would you like to eat?" Light asked as he skimmed through the menu that he already knew by heart.

"I'll take the chicken, since that's the only eatable thing you guys seems to have..." Charli replied as she stifled a giggle.

"Hey! We are on a budget okay?..." The lavender haired boy joked as he stood up to get the food.

"Maybe next time we decide to have a date, it should be in Heaven. They have much better food there y'know." She suggested with a kind smile as she followed Light with her eyes.

"It doesn't sound like a bad idea." He replied with a happy sigh as he got back from the food counter, both plates of food in hand.

"Thank you," Charli chirped as she grabbed her plate.

"So, do you have any news from your side?" Light asked in between bites of food.

"Mhm! All Sora's been talking about lately is his wedding with Jaxx. He keeps on showing off his engagement ring whenever he has the chance." The ginger said with a giggle.

"I could tell you the same, Jaxx has been a total softie lately. His head is always in the clouds. I keep on catching him staring at his engagement ring with a lovesick grin all the time." Light added, rolling his eyes dramatically to get a laugh out of Charli.

She looked up from her now empty plate, shooting him with a "They're getting married Light, why can't we?" and a pout.

"O-oh, you still want to get married?" Light asked, a little too loudly, as he choked on his chicken.


"O-okay!" He agreed as he tried to conceal the bright red that was creeping up on his face.

The ginger let out a soft giggle as she rested her head on her hands, "It's alright Light, I can wait."


Hihi! I was gonna write more, but then I kinda didn't know what to add on and it seemed to be an okay ending so whatever-- anyway Charlight yum 😍 These two were so cute in the angels and demons video I can't 😰💞 Uhhh Soraxx one will be written out whenever I can 🗿 But like y'all are lucky... I barely ever post back to back 😥 Also I'm feeling better so that's a big yay 🥳 I'll work on the art book later today if I have time, if not then later on. Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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