The End. - Soraxx

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A/N: Heroes vs villains au. Angst oneshot for today, no happy ending this time

Song recommendation - Fernweh by Daigo Hanada (Song that inspired this oneshot)


The deafening clash of Sora's spell overpowered the sound of the falling rain, the two bodies falling to the hard concrete floor with a loud thump. He had tried his hardest to save Jaxx, to give him what he had always desired.

But there were always consequences.

Yes, he was a talented wizard... but he had been faced with the choice of using a spell he wasn't quite prepared for. It had wounded Alex, and himself in the process. Jaxx looked back to see the bluenette lying on his side, facing away from them and half-unconscious as the world started turning blurry.

Alex's friends stood still as they watched the blonde's motionless body a few feet away, Light being the first to come to his senses and rush to his sister's side. "Alex!" He exclaimed loudly, his voice shaking as he fell to his knees and cupped her cheek gently.

She was gone. The attack had been far too strong, taking her life as soon as it had come in contact with her.

"Alex!" He yelled once more, tears trailing down his cheeks and onto his sister's lifeless face. The others quietly grouped around him, unable to accept the fact that she was truly gone. They stayed silent, but held each other close and comforted Light amidst their own sobs.

Jaxx ran over to his lover, panic in his veins as he forgot all about defeating his enemy. He fell to his knees just as Light had done, gently cradling Sora's head onto his lap, one hand on the back of his damp cyan hair. He turned the bluenette's face towards him to be met with his blue eyes, which seemed darker than ever. He glanced down at Sora's stomach, which had begun to bleed rapidly. His hand trembled as he put pressure on the other's stomach, pleading to himself that it would stop the blood from gushing out even more. Jaxx opened his mouth to speak, but was unable to form any type of sentence as he stared down at him. "It's okay." Sora mumbled softly as he gave him a gentle smile, his hand now resting on Jaxx's.

"It's gonna be okay." He said once more, his eyes trailing down at his bloody wound. Jaxx shook his head in return, tears forming on the corners of his eyes as his lips began to quiver. "It's all gonna be okay." Sora repeated, his smile slipping as the red head's tears began to fall.

"Stay with me Sora." He cried out softly as he turned his attention to the crowd of people around them, hoping they'd help him out regardless of them being the villains of the story. Sora cupped his cheek in return, gently forcing Jaxx to look back down at his pale face.

"It's okay." He whispered again, this time closing his eyes for a few seconds.

"Y-you can't leave me yet..." Jaxx stammered in between sobs, which didn't stop even after Sora opened his eyes back up again slowly. Sora chuckled gently, wincing softly as he felt the sharp pain at his actions.

"At least you got the crown...!" He mumbled out happily, his eyes gleaming with mischievousness. Jaxx shook his head once more, his wet hair shooting small droplets of water everywhere.

"I don't want the crown anymore... not if you won't have it with me." He sobbed out as he applied more pressure to the shorter's wound.

"Jaxx, it won't help." Sora said softly as he looked down at his stomach once more, the blood continuing to soak his clothes.

"Oh God, oh God!" He whimpered in return, his eyes darting everywhere in hopes of finding something to stop the bleeding. Sora tapped Jaxx's hand, catching his attention once more.

"Jaxx, it's okay." He whispered, his voice growing weaker by the minute. He took hold of the red head's hand, flipping it so his palm was facing upwards. "There's nothing you can do." He continued, a sad smile on his face as he brushed the tips of his fingers on the other's palm.

"No, no. Sora, you can't go. Not yet." Jaxx choked out in reply, his vision blurry as the tears continued to fall.

"I don't think I have much of a choice..." The bluenette whispered as he looked back down at his wound, his face blank.

Jaxx stared in silence for a few seconds, his mouth quivering despite his best efforts. "Oh God, Sora..."

He leaned down to meet with his lover's forehead, gently lifting the other's head a bit. "I love you, Jaxx." Sora murmured as he wiped away Jaxx's tears, a soft smile adorning his pale face.

"I love you more, my love." He whispered back as he raised his head and delicately moved Sora's hair out of his face, leaving stray marks of blood on his skin but nevertheless leaning back down to give him a soft kiss on the forehead. He straightened back up and wiped away Sora's forming tears, a sad smile on his lips as he watched Sora's breathing slow down and the glow in his eyes fade away. His sapphire eyes closed slowly, but his smile remained on his face.

The redhead stared at the bluennette's still face, ruffling his cyan hair gently one last time before connecting his forehead with Sora's once more. "I love you more, my world."

His surroundings faded as he closed his eyes, the rain continuing to fall lightly around the two lovers.

He had finally won, but at what cost?

He had lost Sora.

He had lost to win.

It was finally the beginning of his reign, but it was also the end.


Hihi! Guess who cried while writing this 🥰 Yea, me! 😁👈 I'm not really a fan of writing angst, you can probably tell since most of my oneshots are fluff. But I came across the song that was recommended and came up with a whole scene. Seeing as I liked it so much, I had the urge to make it Soraxx angst. Um, yea... I'll write more Soraxx fluff later, I promise. Anywhoosies, hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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