So This Is Love? - Soraxx

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A/N: This oneshot was written by -Continuar, all credits go to her, not me. Show her some love in the comments! <3

Song recommendation for this oneshot is "this is what falling in love feels like" by JVKE


Jaxx sighed out of boredom, running his fingers through his crimson hair. It was a sunny, partly cloudy day. However it rained recently, and Jaxx was sweating nonstop. The humid air clung onto his skin, making him feel gross. He kicked a small rock, and sent it flying a couple meters away. At the moment, he was walking through massive plains out of boredom. He was a demon, searching for something that would calm his bloodlust desires.

The summer breeze hit his face, moving his hair out of his face to his delight. He inhaled the fresh air. The day seemed so calm, peaceful, and happy compared to his internal desires and instincts. He wanted to kill something so badly. He wanted to kill something that would fight back. Not a stupid rabbit or something that was prey. Maybe a person. Who knows.

He continued walking in a direction. He saw a massive village in the distance from climbing a mountain that was behind him, and now was heading for it in hopes of some competitors. He paused his steps. He looked around carefully, trying to see if someone saw him. No one seemed to be around, which made him content.

He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. Jaxx exhaled, feeling a tremendous power envelop his body. Black started to coat his skin, stopping at his torso like cracked black paint. The bottom of his forearms had small horns, stopping at the elbow. He felt messy streaks of black grow on his face, then stop, like a face marking. His nails grew sharper into unnatural claws. Black horns grew from his head, sharp enough to pierce skin easily. A black tail grew from his body, swishing in the grass. It cut the small blades of grass like a lawnmower.

Jaxx sighed, closing his eyes in happiness. He'd been walking as a human for so long, it felt relieving to finally come back into his demon form. His body was hot, so he saw that the sweat coming from his body vaporized into the air. The icky, gross feeling that he had previously disappeared. He stretched, smiling at nothing but himself.

Jaxx carried on with his walk, humming to himself a tune that he liked. His crimson hair kept flowing into his face, but it was okay. He looked down at the ground and noticed that he was even taller than before. It made him chuckle, because in his human form, he was around 6'3. Now, he might be around 6'10.

Out of boredom, he started chewing on his black claws. As soon as they were chewed, they would regrow. Jaxx yawned, his vision getting watery. He paused his steps, feeling immense pain in his torso. He looked down calmly and saw that a pinkish arrow pierced him. Blood wasn't dripping out of the wound. It was a slim arrow, with the point not sharp, but shaped like a heart. The ends of the arrow had pure white feathers placed in a fan shape. The arrow quickly dissipated into the air, leaving nothing in its tracks, including Jaxx's pain. He easily recognized the arrow.

It was a Cupid arrow.

He couldn't understand why he was shot. Demons were rare to have such loving feelings. The arrow wouldn't affect him at all, no matter how many times it hit him. So, why did they shoot him? Also, for an angel to become a Cupid, they weren't allowed to have the intent of inflicting harm. They would be punished severely if so. Jaxx whipped his head back, hoping to see the culprit. He went around in a circle. He looked up, and narrowed his eyes. He saw a black silhouette peering at him, then disappear into its hiding place in the clouds. Jaxx growled, his tail whipping back and forth.

A Cupid sounded fun to kill.

He smirked at the thought. He tensed his legs, similar to a cat preparing to pounce for the kill. He jumped upwards, leaving the ground in shattered pieces on his way. A loud boom sounded as he jumped toward the cloud, his mind intent on kill. The demon was growing excited as he quickly made his way up. His claws, horns, and tail instinctively grew sharper, preparing for a possible fight. He finally reached it, having a clear view of the top of the cloud.

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