Just Kidding! - Charlight

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A/N: April Fool's special is here!

No song recommendation for this one <3


Light had come up with the perfect plan for April Fool's, and of course, Charli was part of it.

Seeing as the ginger had just walked into the living room, he stopped the movie he was watching and quickly turned to face her, stopping her in her tracks when he called out to her and told her he had something important to tell her.

"Sure! What's up?" Charli responded cheerfully as she stood attentively behind the backside of the sofa.

"You see..." Light started, his demeanor nervous, although that was just part of the prank. "I... I think I love you."

As much as he tried to hide it, a soft blush still emerged on his cheeks. Yea it was all a joke, but he'd never told Charli he loved her. I mean, he'd never even been brave enough to tell her he liked her!

The ginger stood awe struck, her eyes twinkling as she asked Light if he really meant it, only to be interrupted right after with a "April Fool's!" from the other.

She processed his words for a few seconds, her wide smile fading just as quickly as it had appeared. "You're the worst Light." She replied sharply as she gave him a glare. "I can't believe I've been chasing after you all these years, even after you've brought me down constantly."

Light's eyes widened in surprise, he didn't expect Charli to take it seriously. Then again, she was right. He was the one that kept on hurting her.

"April Fool's!" He repeated once more. God he was so lame. He stared up at Charli as he rested his head on the back of the couch, his eyes darting to the floor before opening his mouth again.

"I'm sorry, Charli." He said in a hushed tone, the quiet settling in after. "I do like you, a lot more than I would like to. I'm just scared, you know?"

He glanced back up at the ginger as their eyes met. "Still, that's not much of an excuse for all the things you've gone through because of me."

He stood up slowly, making his way around the couch to stand in front of Charli. "I promise I'll wait up for you from now on. You won't have to run after me anymore, let's just meet up at the middle."

Charli stared at him blankly in return, processing Light's words once more. "I'll... I'll give you one last chance." She muttered out, her heart set on the last shard of hope that she had for their relationship.

"Good. I wouldn't be able to bear the idea of losing your good cooking..." He joked as he put his hands on his hips, earning a glare from Charli.

"I'm just kidding, I'll cook for you this time if you want!" He added quickly, giving her a quick peck on her cheek in compensation before scurrying off in embarrassment.

Charli stood in silence, lifting her hand and softly setting it on her freshly kissed cheek. She smiled gently as she felt her cheek warm up, stopping suddenly as she remembered what Light had said before running off.

"Light, you're gonna burn down the house!" She yelled after him, hurrying out of the living room and towards the kitchen just as he had done.

It seemed she was still running after him after all.


Hihi! Really short oneshot this time. Charlight stories are hard to come up with since they don't really have many moments- For a second, I forgot I was supposed to upload this today-- Hope you enjoyed reading, and as always, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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