Insecurities - Soraxx

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Requested by ChocoFizz_Chan

AN: This oneshot contains some angst

Song recommendation for today is boys by andrew muccitelli!


Sora followed the sound of quiet sobs down the hall, silently stopping in front of the closed door that belonged to the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend.

He stood there in silence for a bit, looking around to double check if the noise was really coming from the room in front of him.

Seeing as the sobs continued, and they were most definitely coming from inside, he decided to knock on the door lightly.

With no answer from the other side, he knocked once more, a little louder this time. As there was still no response to his knocks, he made his mind up and opened the bedroom door slowly.

Peeking through the small crack of the half opened door, he caught a glance of his red headed lover. He was sitting on the bed, his eyes resting on the once white rug while he continued to weep.

Sora stood in place awkwardly, it was unusual to see his boyfriend crying. He wasn't tough or anything, he was just mainly always happy. This could only mean one thing.

Something was wrong.

Very wrong.

He slowly walked over to Jaxx, sitting next to him on the bed once close enough.

"Jaxx?" He asked softly as he kept his eyes on the other's face.

The red head continued to sob, his eyes still glued to the rug as if he was unaware that he wasn't alone anymore.

"Jaxx, what's wrong?" Sora asked again, his voice a bit louder this time.

With no response from Jaxx, Sora tapped him gently on the shoulder. The sudden touch from him seemed to surprise Jaxx, his eyes darting to the shorter that sat next to him. His tears became silent as his eyes widened, his hands quickly rushing up to wipe away the falling tears.

"What's up babe?" He asked in a trembling voice, his hurt look changing into a faked smile.

"That's what I should be asking you." Sora responded back in a hushed tone as he studied the other.

"What do you mean?" Jaxx muttered while forcing his smile even more. He glanced down at his hands, silently clasping them together in hopes of calming himself down.

"Jaxx, what's wrong?" Sora asked once more, his voice stern this time. Jaxx looked up again to be met with Sora's narrowed eyes, an expression he hardly ever saw on the playful male's face.

"Nothing's wrong." Jaxx muttered in reply as he averted the other's gaze. He went quiet as he felt Sora's hand touch his, the gentle tickle that he was so used to sending him over the edge. He broke down once more, his face contorting into one of pain and fear as he looked back down at the floor.

Sora led his boyfriend's head onto his shoulder, all the while still running his fingertips over Jaxx's palm. He though of what his next words should be as Jaxx continued to sob on him.

"Jaxx, you can tell me what's bothering you. I'm your boyfriend, I'm here to love and help you through the ups and downs. Heck, I'm your friend and enemy too." He comforted, a light chuckle accompanying his last sentence.

Jaxx kept on crying, his sobs quieting down. He wrapped his free arm around Sora's back before speaking out.

"I... I had a nightmare." He muttered out with a sniffle. Sora stayed silent as he waited for Jaxx to continue, still rubbing the other's hand softly.

"You were kissing someone. I couldn't see their face clearly, but they seemed familiar... Everything was turning dark and all I could see was the two of you together."

"Mhm?" Sora encouraged him to keep going.

"I tried to run away, but there was this sudden laughter that replaced the wind. You started to say that I was always just an object, a fun little pet to pass the time. Your voice... It was so cruel. It felt so real." Jaxx stopped talking as his voice cracked, his embrace on Sora tightening as the tears began to fall again.

Sora continued to say nothing, gently returning the one handed hug. He rubbed Jaxx's back softly before finally speaking.

"Well you shouldn't worry. It was just a dream. I may flirt with our friends every now and then, but I'm nothing like her." He comforted, his tone growing cold as he mentioned her. The cause of all of this. The cause of Jaxx's insecurities. Of course, without said highschool girlfriend, Sora wouldn't have had the chance to meet his boyfriend. Nevertheless, it still hurt to see Jaxx so pained.

"Y'know you're the love of my life right?" He asked Jaxx lovingly. "Not the pet or object of my life, just the love of my life."


"Okay, then stop worrying about it so much." He said with a pout, adding a gentle "Please?" right after.

"I love you, and you love me. That's all we need." He whispered lovingly.

"Plus, it would have to be someone really hot." He mentioned playfully, earning a glare from Jaxx as he finally looked up at him. "I'm just kidding! I love you so much, I would be a fool to go around kissing familiar faced people." He added quickly as he detached his hands from the other's body, cupping Jaxx's face in exchange and wiping his tears away gently.


"Positive." Sora stated, his mischievous grin fading into a loving smile.

"Gimme a kiss?" Jaxx asked softly as he straightened up.

"Of course." Sora replied, letting out a playful "Your lips taste salty." after separating from the other.


Hihi! Suddenly I have literally nothing to say here sooo. I really like the song I picked for this oneshot, it's really gentle and overall gives comforting vibes. (Not to mention the big Soraxx vibes-) Tell me what you thought about the song! Hope you're all having a great day so far. Anddd as always, hope you enjoyed reading, stay safe! <333

- Hochi ♡

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