The Gate - Soraxx

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A/N: This oneshot takes place in the angels and demons au from the "Don't Fall In Love With The Demon.." video.

Unlike Charli and Light, Sora and Jaxx are unaware that the gate that separates Heaven from Hell ends at a certain point. They continue to believe that the only way across is by swimming under, thus they often only meet at the middle when they don't want to get their clothes wet.

Also, I highly suggest you listen to Aphrodite by the Ridleys while reading this. It's a really cute song and overall sets a really wholesome Soraxx vibe for this oneshot. <333


"Be careful Sora..." Jaxx said nervously as he eyed his fiance from the other side of the gate.

"Don't worry, I've done this before and you know it." Sora replied, his focus on the large lily pad in front of him.

He took a small leap, landing right in the middle of the large plant with a happy "Ta-da!"

Once the lily pad had gone back to being still, Sora crouched down and sat on his legs.

"So..." The cyan haired boy whispered as he stared at Jaxx.

"So." The taller replied in a hushed tone, his hands slipping in between the gate's gaps.

The two held hands in the middle, the closest they would be for a while.

"How have you been love?" The red head asked softly as he tilted his head.

"I've been good, I miss you so much though..." The shorter murmured, his blue sunglasses barely covering the small tears shimmering in his eyes.

Jaxx recoiled back quickly in surprise, yet continued to hold Sora's hands. "Oh Sora, don't cry now... We'll be married soon, and then we'll be in love until death." He mumbled, adding a soft smile in hopes of comforting his lover.

"But what about after death? I want to be with you forever." The shorter susurrated as he stared down at the lily pad he was sitting on.

Jaxx chuckled in return, "Of course Sora, even after death."

"I wish our wedding day would get here quicker." Sora said with a pout as he retracted one of his hands to wipe away his tears.

"Only a few more days darling. For now, let's enjoy today."

"Alright..." Sora muttered while he thought of a question to ask Jaxx, "Oh! How's your poetry writing going?"

"It's been good! Oh that reminds me, I have something for you." The red head hinted, sparkles in his eyes.

"Hm? And what's that?" The shorter asked curiously as he watched his fiance rummage through his pants' pockets in the darkness.

"Here, it's a little crumpled here and there, but I wanted to give it to you..." Jaxx mumbled as he passed Sora a folded paper.

Sora received it eagerly, unfolding the paper carefully to be met with the poem, "Little Angel Blue", that Jaxx had written for him when they had first met.

"Oh..." the cyan haired boy said in between giggles, "thank you, I'll take it with me wherever I go."

He folded it up just as carefully as he'd unfolded it, and stored it in a hidden pocket.

"Heh, who knew you'd be such a softie?" Sora teased as he looked back at the red head.

"Oh shut up." Jaxx groaned in reply, well aware that his evil demeanor just about disappeared when it came to Sora.

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