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(A/N in this story, everybody is HUUUUUUMMMMMAAAAAANNNNNNN! GOTTE?)

Trout? Bine? John Dory? Octo? Blue? Dive? Bayou? Bass? Coot? Frill? Sunfish? Current?

Tsunami had been brainstorming names for her SeaWing twins. Both boys. And it was extremely frustrating that she couldn't think of a decent one. 

One of her eggs was a very light blue, almost white, but the other was so dark, it was almost black. 

She heard a branch crack and a two sets of feet coming her way. Of course, her guilty conscience of not telling Riptide about the egg made her think almost immediately that it was him and maybe Queen Coral, but she immediately canceled that thought out because he would never travel with Queen Coral. Also, she was having serious regrets about laying her egg on land. Why? Because it was way too hot and also the trees were blocking out the sunlight. Her eggs were actually supposed to hatch a few days ago, but she had realized it too late. 

"Tsunami?" Called a feminine voice. A young feminine voice.

She whipped her head around to see Anemone and Auklet running towards her with dopey grins on their faces. It had been Auklet that called, because she was now grown enough to say Tsunamis name right.

She realized that she would have to hide the eggs from them because then they would go blabbering to Riptide and then it would be catastrophe when Riptide finds out and goes mad because she hadn't told him then-


It turns out, while she was thinking about how she would hide the eggs before they saw it and what would happen if she didn't, she didn't notice that they were creeping up behind her. She was too busy thinking about what to do, she didn't notice she needed to take action.

I always told Glory that "thinking" was a waste of time...maybe I should quit...

"I'm going to go tell Riptide!" Auklet squealed, and before Tsunami could stop her, was halfway down the ocean.

Great. She thought scowling. I'm screwed. 

Anemone on the other hand, was singing to the dark one while cradling the light one, but in a way that you knew which one she was singing to.

A split second later Riptide was there too, with a passed out Auklet in his arms.

"Nami..." He started, his face showing nothing.

"I'm sorry OK? I thought you would be mad so I hid them outside so you wouldn't find them then I realized that I should tell you but I got too scared and then I-"

She was cut off abruptly when the SeaWing outlaw put his lips on hers. Auklet was passed out and Anemone was distracted so nobody saw.

"So were going to be parents..." He said nodding. "Cool."

"I was thinking about names. Do you have ideas?" Tsunami said.

"Yes and since you asked me you can't turn it down ok?" She nodded.

"SharkBite for the Dark one and Ray for the light one." He said confidently.

SharkBite? Really? I thought I was the violent one.

The four of them camped out and slept there. Not a fear in the world.

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