Dorm Arrangements

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This was the day he had been waiting for. The day where they chose the dorms. 

Life had been a snooze fest lately, because he didn't get a partner for the math assignment, so he just hung out with the other odd ones out and chilled. But that was boring. 

He wanted to see his sister again, but she was always working on something. Every once in a while she would send a blue fruit to him, with a note saying that she had to buy it. It was the highlight of his day, because whoever made the thing should be rewarded. It was like...THAT GOOD.

As he walked into his dorm, he wondered who he would be paired with. Maybe Drizzle? Eclipse? Akane...

He quickly snapped out of his fantasy about the beautiful hybrid. Since he and Hawk had become close friends over the years, he got to go to his house often to play, and when he went there, Akane was always there also, and I guess over time he just started to like her. I guess. As a friend though. Or as your best friends sister...

"Boil!" Drizzle yelled, dashing over to him at incredible speed.

"Sup son." Hawk said grinning and engulfing Boil into a hug. Boil knew that if word got out the Boil had a crush on Akane, Hawk wouldn't be friends with him anymore. Because that's just weird.

"Sup." He said back, patting his friend on the back.

Nobody else saw them as they entered, there was like 400 people in the room, about 100 of them was crowded around Hawk and Sunset, when he had returned, and they had a pile of about 500 dollars in their money box, and were almost sold out, and they were selling drinks.

About 150 were crowded around the Eclipse and Dingo, where many people were making profiles and carrying headsets, others were receiving contacts, and they had about 600 something in their money box.

The rest of the people were crowded around...Akane and Ray? 

He went to ask his sister something, fearing the answer: "Did they let y'all pick your partners?"

She nodded.

He felt somebody had stabbed him. After all the years of knowing each other, Akane chose somebody that she didn't even know! What, because he was better looking than Boil? Ray should be the one partner less, but it was HIM!

He took a deep breath and examined their business more closely, they had like 530 in their money box, and had over five pages of orders for when they restocked, because they were overbooked right now, so he suspected that when they were done with the arrangements they would need to get working. 

And they were selling the fruits Drizzle had always given him.

It broke his heart to see his crush galavanting and laughing with somebody else. It killed him actually.

"OK EVERYBODY CLEAR OUT!" Acid yelled, and of course, when the RainWing and NightWing Kingdom Prince asks you to leave, you'd better leave. Or else.

The room was empty except for the people who were actually supposed to be there. 

"Wait, today was a selling day?" Amethyst asked, being the only business without any products and the didn't have any sales OR money in their box. 

Ray shock his head, along with everybody else in the room: "There's no such thing  was a selling day. Today people just came." 

"Ok I made a list of dorm arrangements," Justice said pulling out a purple piece of paper:

"Boil, Sunset and Akane. Me, Amethyst and Drizzle. Dingo, Cheetah, Eclipse and Acid because this is the only way it makes sense, Hawk, SharkBite and Ray and lastly, Thaw and SubZero." She said.

"But why don't you move the pretty one to OUR group and make it three three?" Thaw asked.

"Because I have two much respect for her to do that." Justice said flatly.

But other than that, there was no objections to the arrangements.

And that, was that.

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