Change of Plans...

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"Each dorm should have a name!" Hawk argued, his flaming red eyes growing even hotter.

"No it shouldn't! It's pointless!" Akane shot back.

The rest of the group sighed, because it was growing very tiresome when the two siblings kept bickering day by day. It was very annoying.

"Ok! We need dorm names. Ours will be Quad CEAD." Dingo said.

I could see what they were coming from. Amethyst knew that Dingo, Eclipse, Acid and Cheetah's names first letters were CEAD, and CEAD sounds like SEED and QUAD SEED is a band name. (In this story)

"Ok...our dorm name will be "BAC" as in Back, and it stands for Boil and Company." Boil said smugly, and surprisingly, the girls in his group didn't complain.

"I don't want a name for ours. Just do JAC for short." Justice said.

I was fine with that, because Amethyst hadn't wanted a name herself. Drizzle also seemed ok with it.

"Ours will be BITS, which is antonym for IceWing Bros, SubZero and Thaw." SubZero said grinning. I bit to give him credit for that one. It was nice.

"Animals. Because all of our names are animals." Ray said wanting to get this over with as quick as possible. But what he came up with was pretty nice.

She was saying "nice" too much  wasn't she?

"SWIM PARTY!" SharkBite barked sitting up and straightening his shoulders. A prince pose most likely.

"What?" Cheetah asked, putting on a disgusted face.

Actually, the only person Cheetah didn't think was a pervert was the King of Women, Acid. But he or Boil were the top perverts.

"A tournament!" Ray said getting up, as though on the same track of thoughts as his brother. 

"OLYMPICS!" THEY yelled in unison high fiving and grinning their heads off. Like the crazy brothers they were.

"Olympics." Eclipse said skeptically. Nobody has even known she was listening, because her and her boyfriend the SandWing were playing their game "The Elements" to test out and see what bugs and improvements they should make to the first update before releasing it.

"Yes Olympics." SharkBite said a little bit snappy. But then he caught himself from saying anything else. Unless he wanted to get attacked by Queen Glory, King Deathbringer, Acid, Dingo, and all the RainWings and NightWings. 

"What type of games will be there?" Akane asked curiously, her ears perking up and the mention of something that had to do with competition.

"Yeah, will you have tube wrestling? Rowwrrr." He purred, wiggling his eyebrows at Sunset, who blushed and looked down.

"Some games will be something each two people are good at. The bird and Sunset are both good at talking. So there will be a talking thing. Me and my brother are both good at identifying people, so there will be a contest for that. Boil and Drizzle are both good at eating, so there is a contest for that...and Eclipse and Dingo are also good at designing things, so there will be a contest for that too...and so on! And since Hawk is my best friend, we will include wrestling, boys VS girls, and the girls will be dressed accordingly." SharkBite said, counting off his fingers.

"I love you dude!" Hawk exclaimed hugging the SeaWing grinning.

"Ok, the talking competition is a rapping contest, the identification contest is "Guess that Person" we will explain the rules of all of these later on. Anyways, the eating competition is a pie eating contest, the designing competition is a robot battle, oh and the whole school will be participating." Ray said, his light blue eyes seemed to be glistening in the sun.

"It starts tomorrow. Better get working." SharkBite snapped. 

The only people who didn't move OR get a device out was the Royal Duo, Eclipse and Dingo.

"Um...Hello? That includes you, if you didn't already know." Ray said to them, as if they were too dumb to know the basic facts of life.

"Yes, but we already HAVE a Robot. He is abnormally large, and dashingly handsome." Dingo said making a face that was close to a smile, but nobody but Eclipse had ever seen the SandWing smile.

"The Robot isn't human." Eclipse confirmed.

"Yes, but it's species is very incredible!" Dingo protested, defending himself and the Robot.

"Whatever you say...Dingo." The way Eclipse said his name made it very clear what type of Robot they made.

"Tomorrow will be the rapping contest, the first competition is Hawk VS Akane, and that's all I can tell you for now." Ray said.

Hawk grinned : "Sibling Rivalry. How sweet."

"Yes it is." Akane said, shooting her brother a knowing look.

"Wait. Change of plans. Hawk VS Dingo!" Ray suddenly said as if it was the most brilliant idea in the world.

"Why me? I've got things to do." Dingo whined, fake crying.

"So do I. SandWing." Hawk said his red eyes glittering dangerously.

"Watch your back Hybird. I will get you." Dingo shot back.

"Whatever you say, momma's boy." Hawk teased smirking. 

But Dingo only smirked back. 

And something told Amethyst that this was going to be the best Olympics ever.

...and the most dangerous.

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