The I Can't Game

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Ray could swim, very well, in fact, he was good at everything, and SharkBite hated it. 

SharkBite had dark ocean blue eyes and blue-black dyed hair. RAY on the other hand, had sky blue eyes, was very more good-looking and had blue and white hair.

"Bitey! Play with me!" Ray yelled, swimming in the Rain/Sea lake.

"NO!" I  screamed.

I didn't like Ray at all. Why? Because he was PERFECT! He's been everything my parents have ever wanted. He's smart, funny, handsome and obedient, but what was SharkBite? Emo, Ugly, Dumb and a Troublemaker? SharkBite was only a week old, but already filled with depressing thoughts.

"Honey...are you ok?" Mom asked, wrapping a wing around me.

I take back what I said before, when I said "parents" I meant Riptide. Riptide obviously loves Ray way more than SharkBite. But Tsuanmi didn't. Actually, if he didn't know better, he'd say that he was his Moms favorite. 

But he did know better.

Tsunami loved both her boys equally, other than his Dad.

"Why don't you go and play with Ray?" She asked, her voice gently and soothing.

"Because he's stuck up." I spat, glaring at my 13 second younger brother.

"No he's not. If he was stuck up he wouldn't want to play with you." She pointed out.

Great. She heard his pathetic voice calling for me to play with him. Perfect. Awesome. Enlightening. Heavenly.

"But he's perfect." I mumbled, scratching my scarred arm.

"He is your twin brother go play with him. Please. For me?" She asked, her dark blue eyes looking right into his.

"Fine." I grumbled, stalking out of the forests into the lake. 

Then, something hit him, and no, it wasn't his brother tackling him from his joy, it was the fact that the dark SeaWing couldn't swim. I know. He's a SeaWing. He should be able to swim. But he was very lazy, unlike Ray, but something Ray didn't have, was SharkBites body.

SharkBite has never exercised ONCE in his life, but he had a firm body, bulging muscles and a strong jaw, but Ray spends HOURS a day exercising, but is very skinny. Which, makes SharkBite happy. 

"Let's race brother! Let's do a lap around here and whoever finishes last has to eats Daddy's fruit salad!" (Oh and by the way, when the Dragonets in this book speak funny, its NOT a typo. It's because they are young, so if you noticed that when Eclipse was talking in the past chapter, it was purposeful. GOTTE?) 

I didn't want Ray to think I was a even bigger freak than he already did, so I said yes, even though I couldn't swim.

Looking back, he would have said no and stormed back inside, considering that what happened was worse than his brother thinking he was a freak.

He drowned.

Ah, so this is what Heaven feels like? I expected it too be brighter. I'm not one to be picky, but it was a little blue...

"SHARKBITE!" Rays voice called out, and a second later, I was being lifted onto the sand. 

I opened my eyes to realize I wasn't in Heaven. Very disappointing.

I also realized that I was coughing out water and that skinny Ray had been the one to lift me out of the water.

"Are you Ok? SharkBite?" He asked, waving a hand infront of my face. 

"Yes." I choked out.

"I can't swim." I added.

"I can't sing." He shot back.

"I can't exercise." I said, trying to keep this going so I could see all the things he's not good at. 

"I can't eat fish." He said shrugging.

"WHAT?" I yelled laughing.

"You didn't notice? 'I need to use the bathroom' was just an excuse to dump dead fish into the ocean."

"Wow." I said once I had calmed down.

"You can't swim. That's not normal either." He pointed out grinning.

"Your right." I said nodded.

"I like this game. The 'I cant' game. It keeps us both down to Earth by saying the things were not good at." He said, picking me up so I'm standing.

"Guess your not so perfect after all." I said grinning.

"Neither are you." He said.

I gave him a funny look "I never was."

"You were to me."


"This stays between us right? You can't tell Mom and Dad about what happens at the 'Bathroom' excuses right?" He said frantically.

"Of course. Between us." 


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