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Moon was reading.  Yes reading while Qibli fixed dinner. But she wasn't reading to herself, no, she was reading to her and Qibli's child, Sunset. 

She was glad about the way things turned out, she would have taken forever to tell Qibli about her (Sunset), but the thing is, Qibli was actually there when she laid the egg.

I know right?

"So then it turns out the prophecy was fake! Can you believe it Sunset?" Moon said enthusiastically, cradling her egg.

That's when she smelt it. Smoke. Lots of it. 

She knew Qibli couldn't cook that well, but she thought he was improving! 

"QIBLIIIIIII!" She yelled, storming down the stairs as fast as lightning.

Uh oh. Moons coming. I told her I could make dinner but will she still trust me? But what if smoke is bad for Sunset? What if it stumps her growth, oh no. She's getting closer. Oh wait! She can read my thoughts right? Maybe I can calm her down now! Moon? Are you there? Well I'm Sorry! I forgot to rip off the plastic on the chicken, so the plastic burnt in the oven, plus I burnt the chicken, but I will do better! I'll keep practicing! I promise! 

His mission was accomplished, she was not angry anymore, but that doesn't mean he was off the hook.

Then she saw him, covered in sawdust and smoke. He was also coughing. From a distance, he looked like a gray RainWing. 

"So..." He started, grinning sheepishly.

She sighed: "I heard your thoughts Qibli, and I forgive you, but next time, maybe we should order takeout."

He grinned: "Amen to that."




It was the door. 

Uh oh Raced Qiblis mind for the 3rd time we were supposed to have a cooked meal for Winter and Lynx, what are we all going to eat? Will we starve because I can't cook? Winters going to laugh at me. I'm screwed.

Moon hurried and answered the door, where Winter stood with his wife Lynx.

Qibli quickly hurried and hugged Winter, they may have fought back when they were younger over Moon, but once Winter had been rejected he realized that Lynx was his love, so now everybody was happy and Qibli and Winter were best friends.

"What's up bro!" Moons husband said, grinning wildly.

She shot him the look. The look that said he had to tell them what happened.

"Ok so I was cooking dinner and one thing led to another so now we have nothing to eat. Anyway, what's new!" He rambled nervously.

But Winter only grinned ad  pulled his hand from behind his back carrying a bag:

"Don't worry SandWing, we brought Takeout."

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