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(A/N I just love this song for some reason. Idk y. Well it's nice...GOTTE?)

Prince SubZero was going through a rough stage in his life, and that stage was called "hormones" because all of a sudden he had these aggravating feelings FOR A NIGHTWING and wanted to do anything for her. And she was hot! I guess it's just in Royal IceWing blood to fall for NightWings. Prince Arctic, Prince Winter and Prince SubZero.

They were almost done designing "Fuser 1" when they were called to the Math Room again. They had made a deal with "The Flourish" which was Acid and Cheetah's business, and they agreed on a deadline for "Fuser 1" and that deadline was next tomorrow, the shoe had to be done, but not the boxing or the product page. Only the product itself.

"You can bring your business material. The school just wants to see your ideas." The principal, Clay, added.

"Yes!" Amethyst cheered, she was struggling to carry the Laptop And the blueprints, so I took the Laptop.

At some point our skin brushed against each others and I felt my cheeks heating up.

Oh come on! I can't even tough her without blushing! I'm such a dork!

By looking at what other teams brought, you can kind of tell what their business was.

Eclipse brought a chip, which she was still working on, and Dingo brought a Laptop and a VR headset that they must have made, because it had a GP logo on it. Now that he thought about it, the chip was for the headset most likely. They already made a headset BODY in a few hours, but all they had done was a design?

He could tell that Amethyst was on a similar track of thoughts, because she seemed worried.

He squeezed her hand reassuringly and he felt her calm down.

Sunset came carrying two stacks of cups, and Hawk came in carrying a juice processor, filled with juice. Actually, it seemed like SubZero and Amethyst were the only ones that hadn't made a real product yet.

Acid and Cheetah came in empty-handed, because they weren't a product MAKING business, they were a product SELLING business.

Acid nodded at me, and I nodded back.

Thaw and Justice ALSO came in empty-handed, but they also had a reason. Because they were working for "Shoe Fuser". They may not have a lot of products, but they did have allies.

Akane and Ray were next, Akane came in with a box of fruits he'd never seen before, while Ray came with a heavy looking box.

Everybody else came in, but empty-handed, so they were probably workers who hadn't found a company yet.

"Ok," The teacher said smiling enthusiastically "We will say the name of our business and what it does, and you will also demonstrate or present one of your products, but if you are a worker just say skip." 

Everybody in the class nodded. 

"Ok first!" He said pointing to Akane and Ray.

As they walked to the stage, he felt a pang of jealously at how close they were walking. If it was up to Amethyst, they would stay on opposite sides of a hallway.

"Ok our business is called 'Raining Food' and we sell take different ingredients, and make them into a food. For example..." As if on que, which it probably was, Ray pulled out a fruit shaped item.

"Take this for example, we took the seeds of a a Carrot so it can grow underground, we are also selling a different version of this fruit were it has Pear seeds so it can grow on trees. We also mashed a lot of Blueberry juice together and let it soak for an hour, and we gave it an inside of coconut and raspberry. We call it a 'Entirety' because it has mostly everything. It also has the body of an apple, anybody want to try?" Akane said, holding out a blue,( but not a poisonous blue, kind of a macho blue) apple-shaped fruit.

Just about every hand in the classroom shot up, and Ray had to put down the basket to hand everybody a fruit.

I glanced at SharkBite, and he had a sour look on his face, probably caused because his brother made a business that everybody was interested in, but he was a worker. I could tell that he was contemplating working for his brother. And he wasn't raising his hand. His partner, Drizzle was. 

Once I got my fruit, I bit into it and BOY let me tell you, it was amazing! It didn't taste like raspberry or coconut, it was a beautiful mixture, and suddenly, I felt the urge to shove my one hundred bucks in their hands to buy them out.

"How much is more?" Drizzle asked.

"We'll, usually 50c per 'Entirety', and 10 dollars for a bundle of 20, but since it's a new product, we are thereby putting it on sale for 25c per 'Entirety' and 5 dollars per bundle of 20." She announced, as if she had been rehearsing it.

"Before anybody goes making sales right now, everybody has to finish advertising.

  He pointed to Dingo and Eclipse, they had put the chip in the headset and had strapped it to the back of Dingo's head.

"Ok, our business name is called 'GamingPlaza' and this is our 'GP Headset' we also have a YouTube channel and a website where we sell other Gaming devices. Dingo? Would you like to demonstrate how the 'GP Headset' works?"

The SandWing took the headset off and pressed a button on it and it turned into a Remote, then he pressed a button, and it turned into a headset again and automatically wrapped around his head.

The crowd, including me, gasped. It seemed like everybody had interesting products EXCEPT them!

"All you need to do is attach it once to your head and the "GPH' will take it in and you won't have to do it anymore. And now we demonstrate what it does." Eclipse said, as Dingo turned it on.

"So far, we have only one game," Eclipse continued as Dingo digitally made his profile. He didn't even have to move a muscle, everything he did was digital.

He then digitally clicked on a  game called "The Elements".

"We don't have time to actually really PLAY the game, but you can see that everything is digital. If you would like to order for our 'GP Contacts' where you can give yourself a new eye-color AND game at the same time."

"How much is the headset?" Cheetah asked. "What?" She asked as Acid elbowed her.

"It's 35 dollars right now." Dingo said once he got the headset off.

"NO. ORDERING!" The teacher repeated, a lot louder than last time.

"Ok next!" He said pointing to Sunset and Hawk.

Hawk was the spokesperson for the group, so he passed juice-filled cups to Sunset and walked up to the front of the room slowly, as if re-rehearsing his lines.

"Ok, we are called 'Juicetopia' and we sell different kinds of drinks. We have you three examples..." He pulled out a black and white cup and showed the inside, it was white with black swirls and looked very good.

"This one is a mixture of sweet and sour, and it's called 'Sugar and Spice', we don't want any plagiarizers, so we are NOT telling you the ingredients." Sunset passed him another cup, this one looked healthier.

"For those of you 'watching your weight' this one is just for you, it's living on the 'Healthy' side of our Topia!" He purred, his clean lines flow like water.

"It's called 'Carrothouse'."

"Now this one, is more expensive than the rest, because it is a mixture if ALL of our categories! It's called 'Mansion' because it lives on the rich side of town.

"Now, who wants to drink?" He finished, grinning at the sight of hands shoot up.

Drizzle ended up with Carrot house, Thaw ended up with Mansion, and Dingo ended up with Sugar and Spice.

At this point, I didn't want to even advertise, because I didn't even have a product, so when we were called on, I said skip.

And something tells me Amethyst wouldn't have stopped me.

They were going to fail.

(OMG 1360 WORDS! LONGEST CHAPTER YET YAAAAAAYYY! See y'all later! It's a school night so I'm sleeping early!!! Goodbi!

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