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(A/N, I just wanted to say that this book is NOT a continuous book of my WOF as Humans book. So if some things are different, you know why. Oh and the song above is from the same guy who made "I Miss U" and I really love his songs. Every once in a while, I'll pop in a song. GOTTE?)

604 smakers. In just two days business was booming. At least, it was for Ray. His poor brother SharkBite was a worker. Well he was currently un-employed and since it was a new rule that you had to use money like you would in the real world, he kept having to ask Ray for money. But Ray never gave it. If SharkBite knew that he could just eat of his brother and never actually do any work, then he won't. But Ray needs the money for the business, sorry brother.

He had received a anonymous note in Art Class, saying that he should meet them in the lake beside the school at 10:00 P.M.

So that's what he was doing.

So that's why he met every other boy there. Including his envious brother, SharkBite. He didn't look Ray in the eye, so neither did Ray.

"I have called you all here, to start a boy posse." Thaw said, his dark blue eyes staring at us with a look that said: Reject my so kind invitation and I will slaughter you, understand?

So nobody did.

"A...posse? Some of us don't even know other's names." Acid said scoffing.

"That's the whole point, Sherlock." SubZero scoffed, still being a little heated about the fact that he was still living off the first 100 dollars they were given.

"You're just mad because you're broke." Acid said grinning.

SubZero took a deep breath, glared at Acid and turned the other way.

"Ok, we will start with our crushes. If one person has the same crush, just get over it man. We're all adults here. Whoever wins her heart wins her heart." Thaw said shrugging.

"And come on guys. Everybody here has got a crush, so don't bother lying. Like. Really." Dingo said rolling his eyes.

"Ok...I'll guess I'll start first..." Boil started, scratching his neck and looking at Hawk in a weird, scared way.

"I like Akane." 

"Cool." Hawk said nodding. Then it sank it. "Wait...WHAT???" He asked lunging at his former best friend.

"I thought we were all Men here!" Boil said while running away.

"Not if you're crushing ON MY SISTER!" Hawk yelled finally catching up to Boil and tacking him.

"Please don't kill me." Boil speared, covering his face with his hands.

Hawk sighed. "I won't kill you Boil. But why didn't you tell me?" 

"'Cause I knew how'd you react?" He guessed smiling sheepishly.

Hawk got off him and cleared his throat: "I'll go now. I have a crush on Sunset."


Because nobody actually cared about Sunset. She wasn't really good looking, and didn't talk much, so I don't understand why a decent looking guy like Hawk would even lay eyes on her.

"Ok I'll go." Dingo said clearing the awkward silence.

"I have a crush on Eclipse." 

"Dude. We all knew that." Ray said making a "duh" face.

"You literally drool over her." Thaw said.

"Plus I literally heard you singing 'Celebrate Good Times' the night y'all were assigned roommates." Acid pointed out, not even remotely mad.

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