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(A/N, yup you got me. Another authors note, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to all Cleril shippers! Personally, this one is my least favorite ship when it comes to DoD, so I actually forgot to add it! I'm so sorry. Cleril people. Oh and children are called "Dragonets" ok? Wait...I mean GOTTE?)

Akane and Hawk were the best thing that has every happened to Peril. She had laid them a few days ago, so they weren't hatching anytime soon, but THEY WERE FIREPROOF! Can you believe it? F.I.R.E.P.R.O.O.F! She could hold them without killing them! She could kiss them goodnight without setting them on fire!

"Peril, Dear?" Clay called from downstairs.

"Yes Clay?" She answered, heading downstairs.

Cross out what she said before. Akane Hawk AND Clay were the best things that have ever happened to her.

He was holding a blueprint in his hands, because lately, He, Riptide, Deathbringer, Winter and Qibli were working on a new JMA for their kids, because the other one burned down. They were going to call it "Peacia" a continent for Peace.

I think it's a good idea, but...I want to stay with Akane and Hawk. For a very long time, and last time she checked, sending them off to a school where all the tribes connect will be leaving them, which is not what she wanted to do.

When she found out she had Dragonets, she marched right home and told Clay, then they celebrated, because Dragonets are good news so I don't  understand why ladies wait till the last moment before telling their husbands. It doesn't make sense.

"I think that we should have a meeting, with all of the DoD and Jade Winglet's eggs, so that we should see how many kids we are dealing with. I already have over 200 applications, so we're going to have to make this place way bigger than JMA, instead of 3 to a cave, it's maybe about 10? 15 maybe? What do you think?" He asked, his cute, big brown eyes looking up at me.

"I think," I started "that yes, it will be WAY bigger than JMA, but maybe that instead of caves, we should do dorms you know? It will take longer and the project will be harder, but I think that instead of 15 Dragonets crowded in a cave, it will be like a mini home, with 15 people living in a home, but they have different rooms. Like for example pretend 5 people are living in a home, they will be in the living room doing homework or something together then when it's time to sleep, each person will go into a different room to sleep, but instead of 5 people, it's 15 so maybe two people to a room?" She rambled. 



"BRILLIANT!" The MudWing yelled, jumping from his chair and grabbing the phone "It's ok if it takes longer! THIS ISTHE BEST IDEA EVER! IT WILL SOLVE ALL OUR PROBLEMS! IM CALLING THE GUYS!" 

Before dialing the number, he turned to me and shot me a grin: "I love you Peril."

"I love you too Clay."

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