Truth or Dare

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(This is the episode from the vision, I hope you like it, GOTTE?) 

"He literally game us a FREAKING LOCATION!" Eclipse yelled.

Her brother was the worst at directions, and it was starting to kill her that their Mom, Queen Glory, always blamed her for it. Talk about favoritism.  

"It's hard to decipher." He said, scratching his neatly combed hair.


Even though he knew he sucked at directions, he would never let Eclipse try, why? I have no idea! Maybe it's because he thinks that I might break one of his fancy gadgets. Like I even care.

"I GOT IT!" He yelled, pointing into the trees.

"So you said." I mumbled discouragingly. But what was I supposed to say? I believed him before, and now look where we are.

He turned to face me "Why can't you be supportive of me?" He asked, fake pouting.

"I was! The first 8 times you said it! But now I quit."

He rolled his eyes and started heading towards the direction he pointed too, not saying another word.

Eclipse followed him, and a moment later, she was heading into the doors of Peacia.

When they made it to the cafeteria, nobody was there, so they figured it'd be better to go to their dorm room. 

But they didn't know where it was, and NEVER AGAIN was she taking directions from her brother, so she decided to lead, and believe it or not, he followed her, and a few minutes later they came across a dorm called "Star" dorm. It was the dorm their parents said they would be in. 

Thanks Dad.

Acid, being so very EXTRA, decided it would be a good idea to kick down the door. 

"Hello fellow Roommates!" A NightWing with purple hair called, beckoning for us to come inside.

"Hey." Everybody said.

"I think we should introduce ourselves. Name, Parents and Hobby."

She felt like somebody was watching her, so she twisted her head around and sure enough, she locked eyes with a surprisingly good looking SandWing. He had his hair in a messy way that was somewhat cute and had a dark yellow, but not hazel eye color. He was beautiful really, if you could call a boy that.

He blushed and turned away.

"Ok I'll start!" Said the chipper NightWing that had allowed them in.

"My name is Justice, My parents are Starflight and FateSpeaker, and I like animals." 

"Animals is not a hobby, dummy." Acid said scoffing. People often said he was even ruder than most IceWings.

"Back off RainWing." Said a dark haired IceWing.

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Acid challenged, growing tense.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Eclipse yelled, dragging her brother back down to his seat next to her "Acid." She gave him a look, and he sighed, rolled his eyes, but backed down.

"Umm, I'll go? My name is Cheetah, My parents are PRINCESS Sunny and PRINCE Meerkat." She bragged smiling.

I could tell Acid was about to say that it wasn't an accomplishment because his mother and a QUEEN, not a Meer Princess, but I give him a look, and he bit his lip and shut up.

"Dingo. Same as Cheetah, and being lazy?" Dingo, the cute boy that had been staring at her said, scratching his neck.

"LAZY IS NOT A HOBBY!" Acid yelled before I could stop him.

Dingo turned to glare at him: "Fine. Then I like to Game."

"Really? So do I!" I exclaimed, bringing out my phone.

"Do you play FortNite?" He asked shyly, as if I was too good to even talk to him.

I nodded, and for the first time, he grinned at me: "What is your username? Or so I could send you the friend thingy." He added hurriedly.

Acid smirked, and I shot him a deadly glare.

About an hour later, everybody was having fun. Dingo and Eclipse were playing Call of Duty because they ragequitted when they lost a round in FortNite. Justice was meditating, Amethyst was teaching SubZero with white hair how to make a balloon animal dog. Thaw was watching Amethyst with a hungry look on his face. Cheetah and Acid were playing catch with a cat, because they were both "dog people". And just about everybody else was just chilling.

That is, until somebody thought it was a good idea to start playing a game...

"Let's play a game!" Akane yelled, jumping out of her chill position.

"Truth or Dare?" Acid asked, clearly aboard with the idea.

"Naw. I wanna play "Never Have I Ever." Dingo said pausing the game of Call of Duty.

"I agree with Dingo." Said Amethyst.

"Oooh! Let's play Truth or Dare but a new version! It's called a triple dare!" Justice yelled, grinning.

"Ok." Everybody said.

"Ok so Dare is the only option, and if you are Dared, you dare the person that dared you and somebody else ok?" 

"Ok." Everybody said.

"Ok I'll start." Said Eclipse "I dare Acid, to kiss Cheetah." She said pointing to Cheetah.

"Fair." Acid said shrugging "At least she's hot." 

Cheetah's face flushing a deep red color.

"Ok sis you wanna dare me? Fine. I dare you to kiss her brother Dingo, and you SeaWing," He said pointing to SharkBite.

"I dare you to kiss her." He said pointing to Justice this time.

They both blushed and looked down.

"Dingo's cute. Come up with a better Dare next time bro." She said grinning at her brother.

Now both of the SandWing siblings were red with embarrasment, but Eclipse thought it was cute when Dingo was embarrassed.

"Ok everybody who was dared...go." Amethyst said.

As she kissed Dingo, she felt like this was where she was supposed to be. It was passionate, pure, and apparently too long.

"Y'all can stop now." Hawk said with the jealousy CLEAR in his voice.

But they didn't stop, and on that day, Eclipse thought three new possibilities were born.

And she thinks she's in love with a SandWing...

(Did y'all like it? The difference in the vision and reality was on purpose, they mostly said the same thing but where they were was different, so if you were wondering if I just decided to switch up the story, I didn't, GOTTE?)

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