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Suga resumed work afer taking one week wedding break. Eventhough he feels mentally unprepared because of the chaos that's taking place in his life, but he still wanted to go back. However, there was one question lingering inside his head to which he needed a clear answer. Curiosity killed him so he decided to head to his father's office and talk to him.

"hyung! can you take me to my father's office?" he asked his manager.

"Sure, we still have some time before your schedule"

As soon as they reached the place so he strode to where he expected to find his father.

"abeoji!" Suga called his father as he entered the office.

"ah, Yoongi-ah !" Mr. Min said "is everything alright?"

"I have a question that kept knocking all over my head and I want only the truth" Suga said wirh piercing eyes "if ever Chaeyoung manages to prove her innocence and expose that you did her wrong, what's going to happen then?" Suga asked "am I going to take the fall instead of you?"

"why are you being so worried about it? I told you that everything is going to be alright?"

"what if it won't? Will I be convicted?"

Mr. Min lowered his head not because he was ashamed of himself but bcause he hid a very evil smirk. He looked up at his son who waited for an answer with pleading eyes.

"how about you make that woman of yours fall for you" Mr. Min stood up from his chair "she won't be able to sue yoy that way"

"sue me?" Suga chuckled bitterly "you finally answered my question. I'll be the one taking the fall"

With a heavy heart Suga left the office and went to the car where his manager was waiting.

"Hyung! take me back home" Suga said to his manager "I don't think I could go to that schedule"

The manager understood Suga's concern and drove him home then called bighit to tell them that Suga needs a longer break to fight for himself.
Dowan allowed Hajoon to stay in his villa to keep himself safe from Mr. Min. He faked his death so that the latter wouldn't come after him and got himself a new phone number which he gave only to his parents. He was using his computer when his phone started ringing indicating that his father is calling.

"ah ! Abeoji !"

"Hajoon-ah ! Mr. Min's son came to ask about you earlier. Apparently he didn't know that you faked your death"

"what did you tell him?"

"I told him thay you were involved in a car accident and passed away" the father explained.

"okay, I'll call him" Hajoon said.

"are you sure you can trust him" the father worried.

"don't worry I know him well. He's a good guy"

"okay be careful" the father said "stay safe okay"


Hajoon ended the call and grabbed his car keys then drove to Suga's house. Once there, he pressed the doorbell to be welcomed by a surprised Suga.

"surprised huh?" hajoon said as he walked in.

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