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Chaeyoung's visit to Jihyo in prison added nothing but confusion to her. Nothing seemed right. Not Jihyo's behaviour, not her face. Nothing. The amount of evil she held was nothing like Jihyo. It's like Chaeyoung was speaking to a totally different person not her unnie that she lived with for ten years.
Chaeyoung shrugged off all the thoughts and tried to focus on the deal she made with Jihyo. Releasing a public apology was Chaeyoung's condition in order to drop the case against her teammate. 

Chaeyoung walked out of the detention centre and headed to the car where Suga was waiting for her.

"What happened? Did she agree?" Suga asked eagerly.

"Of course she would" Chaeyoung said "it's not like she has a choice"

Suga gave her a satisfied smile and started the car heading back home but he noticed that his wife's behaviour changed eversince she came out of the detention centre. He wanted to ask but thought she'd speak on her own, however Chaeyoung made it impossible not to ask.

"Did anything happen?" Suga asked as he peeked at her while driving.

"Something is wrong" Chaeyoung released the breath she was holding "I don't know but she doesn't look like the person I've known for years. Even her features .. I don't know, I just don't know"

"Do want us to dig into this?" Suga put his hand in hers to comfort her "you know Down can help us"

"I can't make him do work based on some weird feelings" Chaeyoung shook her head "I want to forget all this mess. I'm not willing to--"
Chaeyoung froze on the spot as a memory crossed her mind. she frowned trying her best to recall the event properly that she didn't pay attention to Suga who kept calling her name multiple times.

"Chaeyoung!" he shook her shoulder "Chaeyoung, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"You said she once came to you and told you to leave me, right?" she asked fearing he'd say yes.

"Yes, she came to our house and-----" he suddenly hit the brakes by dint of being shocked making Chaeyoung jiggle on her seat "it was on the day of your concert"

"Yes, how is that even possible? Me and her were together the whole day. Do remember what time she came?"

"Around 7 p.m." Suga said.

"We were mid concert at that time. Oh my god, that's creepy!" Chaeyoung said pulling her hair back "I think there's another place we need to go" she looked straight showing eagerness to solve the mystery.

"Where?" Suga asked being confused.

"Jihyo's mother" 

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