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nOw I dOn'T eVeN bElIeVe ThAt YoU'lL bE bAcK. It's only been 10 days, now what?

 It's only been 10 days, now what?

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Ming's POV

I scanned the courtyard with the bag containing my lunch in hand, looking for Beyoncé. I finally found her at one of the tables in the shade with Normani and Kelly. I approached the table and let out a dramatic sigh as I sat down next to my girlfriend.

I looked up to gauge everyone's reaction, and they were all giving me confused looks.

"Ming, you okay?" Kelly asked. This morning she picked me up and drove me to school, the whole time I was knocked out asleep and I had been quite snappy with her.

"I'm exhausted," I grumbled as I picked at my sandwich.

When I looked up, I saw Beyoncé feeding Normani a pineapple off of her fork. The pair giggled at each other. As Normani chewed, she turned so her back was to Beyoncé. She began to lean back and Beyoncé wrapped her arms around her and nuzzled her head into the crook of her neck.

"You're so cute," Normani cooed at Beyoncé.

"No, you're cute," Beyoncé responded.

"You bitches are evil," I said before I took a bite out of my sandwich with a bit of force to show my irritation.

"How?" Beyoncé inquired.

I gestured between the pair and said with my mouth full, "this. Whatever the hell you two are doing. It's ruining my life."

"How am I evil? I haven't even done anything but live my life. Beyoncé asked me for a favor and as a friend, I told her I would do it. I don't even know what's going on," Normani argued.

"Let me break it down for you. My hoe ass sister and Beyoncé had something going on. My sister fucked it up, and now, Beyoncé is with you and my sister will not leave me alone!"

"Speaking of your hoe ass sister, I posted my promposal the other day and she liked it. Like I saw the notification for just a second and then I went to look, and it was gone," Beyoncé told me.

"Oh, I'm sure she's stalking you and it's killing her inside. She would never admit that though. But she kept me up all night last night. She has spent the last eighteen years of my life telling me I don't have one, and now that the tables turned, she is in business nonstop!" I exclaimed.

Kelly gave me a sympathetic pat on the back to try to comfort me, but it did nothing. I couldn't wait until Nicki moved on to her next fling and left me the hell alone.

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