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I told y'all to hold me accountable on this story and y'all aren't 😭 I didn't proofread as usual

Onika's POV

"Nicki, your client is here," Kehlani announced as she poked her head into my booth.

I immediately furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't have anymore clients until later today."

She shrugged. "This one said she made an appointment through conversation."

"Send her in." I had no idea who it was but hey, I would never turn down the money.

I wiped my chair down again and as I was walking toward the trashcan, the girl came in.

"Hey. Remember me? You told me to come in whenever...well, here I am."

Of course it was Solána, showing up for that tattoo I promised before I knew she had a connection to Robyn. I was honestly hoping she had forgotten about that proposition. Bits and pieces of the party at Mel's house had come back to me at random moments throughout the last few days, but it was still mostly gray area. A shot here...a kiss there. But one thing I can't forget is seeing Solána and Robyn walk in together.

Normally if I had a problem with someone I would just decline to tattoo them, but I couldn't resist the potential to get the inside scoop on Robyn and Solána's relationship.

"Yes, I do. Have a seat Solána," I gestured toward the chair, "I was starting to think you wouldn't come in."

She sat down and made herself comfortable. "And pass up a discounted tattoo? Please."

"Hey, I love a good bargain as much as the next bitch. So what are you thinking about getting? Or did you wanna look through some inspiration."

"I know what I want. It's something really small. You know the control key on a computer? I want 'C-T-R-L' right here," she told me and pointed to her left forearm.

"Aw, something small. I think it'll look good, it matches you well."

"Well I don't have money to just be throwing around when I wax coochies for a living right now," she joked which made me snicker.

While I drew out the tattoo onto the transfer paper, we made small talk. I completely avoided the topic of Robyn because if I made her uncomfortable this early on she would probably just get up and walk out, walking away with not only the tea, but my money.

"Do you like this?" I asked and held up the design for her to see.

She smiled. "It's perfect."

I transferred the stencil onto her arm.

"This shouldn't hurt much, there aren't a lot of nerve endings in the forearm," I explained.

"Even if it did, I'd take it like a champ. This isn't my first rodeo."

"So," I said as I turned the machine on and began working. This wouldn't take long at all so I had to start the conversation now. "I think I saw you at a party last Friday but I'm not sure if it was actually you. You know how parties are."

"You were there? You should've come over and said hi. I don't bite."

But I do. "You looked preoccupied, I didn't want to interrupt you. Were you with Robyn? I think I saw you two walk in together." I didn't look up from tattooing, knowing that if I met her eyes, she would see the jealousy that was truly there.

"You know Robyn?"

"Yeah, actually she used to work here. We shared this booth before she unexpectedly quit."

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