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I must never be going back to school 😭 this state wide lockdown got me ready to risk it all! My bored ass even put out a new book! I wrote a nice long chapter for you guys to try to win your votes and comments back. I didn't forget about this book, I was actually rereading it and came across a comment that made me realize how much you guys actually like the book, so I'm back and better than ever!

(since we're all in isolation, my characters won't be)

Beyoncé's POV
One month later

"I love spending time with you, Beyoncé. I'm glad that you were able to spend the night with me," Nicki muttered with her head against my chest. I intertwined our fingers.

"I'm glad I got to spend the night with you too. I just...I wish Robyn was here with us, don't you?" I asked. Nicki rolled off of me and groaned. "What's going on with you two anyway? I'm always with one or the other we never get to be together anymore."

"Nothing is going on, Beyoncé. Don't worry about her, you know how she gets dark and twisty." Nicki gave me a serious look but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on that was making me see Robyn less and Onika more.

I snapped out of my thoughts to a paper being slammed down onto my table. Ms.Adkins continued down the row, passing out the papers.

"Isn't this great Bey? This trip is gonna be fun as hell. Four days, parent free, all expenses paid for," Ming shook my shoulder excitedly.

I looked down at the packet to see it was a permission slip for a science retreat in the  nature reserve about an hour and a half away. There was a collective groan across the entire classroom as everyone absorbed the information on the packet.

"For those of you whining, there is another assignment you can do in place of going on the trip," Ms.Adkins explained as she got back to the front of the room. She picked up a thick ass packet and waved it in the air.

That was enough for the majority of the class to start flipping through the permission slip form to fill out everything they could, some even signing their
parent's signature on the line.

"Your assignment on the trip will be to take pictures of a certain topic of your choosing from the board," she gestured to the board behind her, "and compose a presentation about it containing factual evidence. None of that bs you all pull out of your butt the night before. The presentation must be at least five minutes long and this will be a partner project. Say hello to the person you're sitting next to because you'll be real acquainted on this trip."

"Bey, this is gonna be so much fun!" Ming squealed in excitement and I smiled back. Her whole mood was infectious.

"I encourage you to choose your topics sooner rather than later. The good ones always go first," Ms.Adkins finished right as the bell rung. "Oh! And we need chaperones, so be sure to ask some family!" She called after those already leaving.

I took my time packing up since this was the last class of the day and I was walking home.

"Aye, Ms.Adkins! I got the permission slip all ready for you. So, I know you said the good ones always go first, but which one is the easiest? Me and Chris want it," Brent said as he approached her at the desk.

"Christopher Wood, do you listen to a word I say? Take the permission slip home, I don't care if your parents sign over the forgery or not but at least make it seem like they looked at it. And you and Mr.Brown can come back and choose your topic tomorrow during lunch if you care that much." She handed him back the
permission slip.

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