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I discreetly unpublished all my books besides the ones completed, my oneshots, and this one. 😂I've honestly grown out of all my other writings, like I have a whole new plot style I wanna showcase and stuff so I got other stories to replace them and they WON'T be half-assed. It was becoming a chore with the others and I never wanna feel like that. This one is a keeper because it's the most popular.

 This one is a keeper because it's the most popular

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Ming's POV

"I'm just gonna...take a little nap right here," I yawned and stretched out across the top row of the bleachers and placed my head in Kelly's lap. She was already dozing off herself, stretched out across two descending rows.

"Damn, I'm tired. Hopefully someone wakes us up before the game starts or I don't know who's gonna be calling cheers," Kelly muttered and closed her eyes again. Next thing I know, we were both out like a light.

After who knows how long, someone shook me away finally. I lifted my head up from Kelly's lap tiredly and blew my curls, which were plastered to the side of my face, away from my eye.

"Isn't that Nicki?!" She pointed across the gym. I looked at her dully, because literally who the fuck cares if my sister is here. Nonetheless, I followed her eyes to across the gym. Sure enough, there was Nicki all hugged up on Robyn.

"Did she come to see you cheer?" Kelly's question made me snicker.

"Hell no. She probably came to watch the game, and maybe fuck Robyn after. Nicki never does anything for me, it's always been that way." My mind ventured off to a simpler time. Well, it was hardly simpler but I definitely had less homework.

Six years ago

"Nicki please don't go!" I begged my sister, who was a junior at the time to stay home or take me with her if she absolutely had to leave. I grabbed onto her shirt and she pried my hands off of her while looking at me like I was crazy.

"Ming, what the hell is wrong with you? Why would I ever wanna stay in this shithole and hang out with you. I'm not in elementary school anymore, I don't wanna hang out with you all the damn time. I'm about to be an adult!" Tears streamed down my cheeks at her words.

"Nicki...please! Please don't leave me! Or just take me with you!" I clasped my hands together desperately.

"No! Parties aren't for little kids, Ming! Go play with your dolls or something!" She shooed me away while walking to the laundry room to get her keys.

"I'm in the seventh grade, I don't play with dolls anymore. Please just take me with you Nicki! Please! I'll sit in the car." She shook her head at me and walked to the front door.

"You're so fucking clingy! No! I just wanna go have fun, bye!" With that she was out the door and on her way to her car.

I watched through the window as Nicki got into her car and pulled out of the driveway, leaving me alone. Well, mama was home but that wasn't a good thing. As I stared out the window in thought, my dad's car pulled into the driveway.

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