Part 8 - Fever

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I walked up the well worn path from between my house to the Mavericks Mansion, it was a stone path that wound its way all the way through their gardens right to their back door that was never locked. I push the door open without knocking, and make my way inside without announcing my arrival. My sisters and I come and go like this all the time. Mr Maverick was never home and Mrs Maverick well quite frankly she didn't give a shit what went on in her house as long as we didn't get in her way.

It had been a long day at school, i'd missed my partner in crime Caleb, especially with all the attention I'd received from wearing that dress. As soon as I got home I ripped it off and changed into a jumper and jeans and headed over to their house to see how Caleb was feeling.

As I pass through their large kitchen Samuel is sitting at the counter playing on his phone in one hand whilst eating some pasta in the other. He looks up and gives me a nod and a smile, as I pass by him I give him a small friendly pat on the back to say hello. I then carry on heading through their house to their large hallway and start to climb their staircase, lost in my own thoughts when I walk straight into a hard wall that's Ethan on the top step. I stumble backwards, losing my footing and nearly fall when Ethan steadies me with one of his strong arms around my waist and pulls me back before I can fall. I'm sure I caught a glimmer of panic in his eyes before he drops me back to my feet and tries to act casual.

"Jesus Mia, do you always have to be such a klutz?" Ethan teases.

I roll my eyes, I still feel a bit awkward around him today, his mood swings are giving me a headache. He looks at his watch then his face scrunches up in confusion. "Hey I said 7pm, you're a few hours early, i'm really sorry but i'm about to shoot off..."Ethan tries to explain.

"Oh, I'm not here to see you, I wanted to check in on how Caleb is doing." I admit and Ethan instantly tenses up. I go to step around him but he steps aside blocking my way to Caleb's room. "Where's your little dress gone?" he mutters.

"Just move will you Ethan?" I say crossing my arms.

"He's asleep. Come back and see him tomorrow." Ethan says, finally allowing me to get past and he starts to walk down the stairs. "Whatever you've come to say to him can wait for another day, you guys just chat shit half the time anyways." He drawls, from over his shoulder.

He knows how to push my buttons, and it works. I whip round ready to snap at him. "I'll only be a minute." I sneer back. "I've got exciting news for him that I'm sure will cheer him up!"

Ethan stops and turns to look at me, raising his eyebrow, I've piqued his interest. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I need to tell him about Cain's party. Friday night down by the lake. I know it will make his day that we're going!" Ethan's face drops, he looks totally pissed, but before he can say anything more I turn away from him and head into Caleb's room.

I know I'm being childish right now, but I'm annoyed. Today has been totally awful from start to finish and all because I was trying to impress Ethan. I don't know what I was thinking letting my feelings run away with me. Today has just proven to me that Ethan and I just wouldn't work, I tried to look like one of the girls he'd go for and it made me feel utterly insecure. Plus how Ethan told me off about what I was wearing, like I was still a little kid really got my back up.

Caleb's room is dimly lit when I finally enter, I strain my eyes too where I know his bed is and can see from his silhouette that he is lying down. I whisper his name but he doesn't reply back. Ethan wasn't lying, he was asleep. I walk over to his bed where I can see he is tossing and turning . Resting my hand on his forehead I can feel that It's hot and clammy with a fever, but my touch seems to instantly relax him which makes me smile. Even unwell, Caleb has a handsome face. I brush my hand through his hair and his eyes flutter open.

"Hey," he croaks, his eyes heavy with sleep.

"Hey, I didn't mean to wake you, I just wanted to check how you're doing?" I quietly reply, whilst I carry on stroking his hair.

"Hmm," he hums contently, enjoying the slow strokes. "Stay with me for a bit?" Caleb murmurs.

"Sure." I smile back.

"So I hear I missed the big fight, did you see it? Ethan is in so much trouble with dad." Caleb mumbles with his eyes closed as he starts drifting back off to sleep.

"What big fight?" I quiz. I stop stroking Caleb's hair hoping it would prompt him for an answer. After a long pause, Caleb sleepily replies.

"Sammy said that Ethan and Ant Summers got into a huge fight during training today and Ethan's benched for a game."

"What was the fight over?" I question. Surely this wasn't about me?

"Some girl. Ant was shouting his mouth off in the locker room about a girl that he was going to get suck his dick this weekend, but it's someone Ethan's into from what Sammy was saying. Ethan snapped and went for him."

"What!? Why do you say that?" My heart was racing. "Caleb?" Caleb was drifting back off to sleep, but I needed to know more. "Who's the girl? How do you know Ethan likes her?"


But it was too late Caleb was already snoring. I wasn't going to get any more answers from him tonight.

Ethan was a player I kept saying to myself, he'd break my heart if I got close, our little fights and exchanges might be exciting and fun, but this slow burning heat I was starting to feel for him really needed to be distinguished.

No good was going to come from it.  

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