Part 5- Surfs up

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The way Ethan read Shakespeare to me had me totally mesmerised, his tone was so soothing I could've listened to him for hours. Somehow he had done the impossible and made me actually enjoy and understand Twelfth Night. Sometimes I forget how clever Ethan actually is, his sporting achievements always seem to outshine his many other qualities, but damn he'd be a good teacher. Watching Ethan play sports is one thing, but listening to his husky voice read those verses whilst wearing those sexy glasses did something to my very soul. I've not been able to stop thinking about him since even though I know there is no possible way anything can come from it.

Ethan is way out of my league, I mean he's the Captain of the football team for christ sake and i'm a nobody, not to mention he is a total player, i've lost count how many girls he has slept with. I've not even kissed a guy, I'm seriously pathetic in comparison. However, even though I'm aware of all this it's not stopping me from sneaking out of my house at 05.30am to meet him.

I actually got a B+ on my essay. I took a selfie with it and sent it to Ethan as proof of my success within minutes of getting the graded paper back. As soon as I sent the message I regretted it, I look fucking ridiculous with my big cocky grin on my face. I literally have no idea how to be cool. For the next twenty minutes I saw the dots on my phone moving then stopped. So embarrassing, I could just imagine Ethan sitting there with his phone in hand trying to work out how to get out of his promise to take me surfing. I was so close to sending a follow up message saying not to worry about it when a message pinged through.

'I knew you'd ace it. See you Sunday at 05.30am. I'll bring breakfast.'

For the rest of the day I'd had a stupid grin on my face. I'd not missed the fact that Ethan hadn't invited anyone else to join us at the beach and I hadn't either. In fact for some reason I'd not told anyone I was even going.

Although I'm not really into the whole 'school sports' thing like Ethan is, I do love surfing and I'm not too bad at it either. We only live an hour from the beach, so setting off this early is pretty perfect to catch the sunrise, plus everybody's fast asleep in both our houses which avoids any awkward conversations. It's only really Caleb who might come looking for me to hangout, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him what I was doing and who I'm with. I knew he'd be pissed.

From the living room window I see Ethan's car lights approach our driveway, it's 05.30am on the dot, this guy is super punctual! I quietly leave the house and make my way to his car wishing that the butterflies that are bubbling around in my stomach would stop already.

Ethan's wearing a thick grey hoodie, dark surf shorts and a sexy grin when I jump into his car, my face heats up straight away into a huge blush, I'm already totally failing at being cool once more.

"You'll be needing this." A hot coffee cup was placed in the cupholder between us that had been sitting in his door holder and I'm pretty sure I just fell in love with this guy. He throws his phone onto my lap. "Pick us some songs will you?" He says huskily, and starts pulling out of the driveway. I bite my lip to try and stop smiling at him, but it's no good the muscles in my face won't comply.

I pick a chilled out song, 'Arcade Fire - Wake up' to start our road trip and watch Ethan instantly break out into a big smile, he's obviously happy with my choice, as we hit the road we start chatting and laughing and I settle in to drink my hot coffee.


"OK, so this is a little embarrassing, but I need your help. You're not to laugh or I swear to god!" I'm literally burning up with humiliation right now but if I don't ask for help, i'll not be going surfing.

After the perfect road trip to the beach, we'd arrived at the surf shop that rents out all the kit we'd need that I always go too. Ethan has all his own stuff like a board and wetsuit, but I need to rent everything. Small problem, since last year my breasts have literally doubled if not tripled in size and no matter how much I try and yank the wet suit up over them I can't get the zipper up.

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