Part 9- The Party

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The next few days go by slowly at school. Caleb is still off with his cold so I've been left hanging out with some of my gal pals Chloe, Amy and Isla. I'm not as close to them as I am Caleb but I have to admit, it's been kind of a nice change spending time with them. Hearing about all the school gossip, finding out what boys they were into and doing girly stuff rather than just listening to Caleb talk about sports non stop.

However what I'm most pleased about is that they'd taken me shopping and helped me do a bit of a makeover. After the whole little black dress fiasco, I wanted to find a look that was a little in between making me feel more confident and not trying to look too desperate. They nailed it! My wardrobe is now full of better fitting clothes, some new ankle boots and accessories. Not to mention the unbelievable new underwear sets that make my breasts look so much better then my old ones. To finish off, they'd taught me how to apply a bit of light make up.

I have to admit, I feel great!

I never went to Ethans bedroom for our study date out of sheer stubbornness and he never texted me either to see where I was. I got a D+ on my paper as a result, but It was totally my fault, I needed Ethans help but just couldn't bring myself to ask for it.

Ethan hasn't made any other snide comments about my clothes since Monday either, but I've caught him staring at me through his rear view mirror when we're on the school run trying to get a rise out of me, but I've just ignored him.

Finally Friday came around and Caleb had come back into school, it was nice to have him back, but I'd also decided that I wanted to make more of an effort to keep hanging out with the girls as well. I'd be a really crappy friend to turn my back on them and just sink back into my usual routine of just me and Caleb after they'd been so nice to me all week.


"Hey, so this party tonight, what do you want to do about drinks? I asked Ethan if he'd buy some beers for us as I know he's never gets asked for I.D, but he told me to fuck off! Dunno what his problem is, he's been in a shit mood all week." Caleb says as we walk down the corridor on the way to class.

"Umm, I'm not sure, I could see if I could swipe some from home, but my mum will definitely notice if one of her bottles of wine is gone...I could ask Ethan, he might buy some if I asked? He'll be going to the party too, right?" I say, for some reason I start to feel a blush rising on my face.

"Nah, he's not going he said, It'll just be us", Caleb smiles. I force a smile back, but my shoulders involuntary sag with disappointment. What was wrong with me? Why did I even care if he was there or not? Hadn't I already decided that Ethan and I weren't going to work out?

"Oh...umm...I might ask the girls then if they want to come too? Is that OK? It's a party after all and the more the merrier yeah?" For some reason the idea of me being on my own, drunk at a darkened lake side party with just Caleb as company wasn't sitting well with me.

Caleb looks a little disappointed now, he scratches the back of his neck and gives out a small sigh, "Umm, well I thought when you asked me to go to the party, it was like on a ...but umm...yep, sure whatever you want."

Shit, he thought this was a date!

"Great, I'll come over to yours at 8pm." I said hurriedly before I turned on my heels and headed to class before the conversation got any more awkward.


I've been getting ready for nearly two hours, which is literally stupid as the party is at night with not much light, but none the less i've changed my outfit several times over. Finally i've settled on a blue summer dress that shows a little cleavage and comes just above knee height paired with some flats. It's still warm, so I don't need a coat. I've left my hair down but I've added a few loose curls to it and some light make-up.

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