Chapter Five

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I'm sorry to skip these months, but I wanted this chapter to hurry up and come!!



~3 months later~

Alyssa's POV

It is the end of the tour and we are going back home. Tori and Dawn are already at home, so it is just me and Grace here now.

"Alyssa, I need to speak with you for a moment," Denny says.

"Okay," I say and walk to where all of the bunks are, with Denny following me.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Uhm, I heard that you were cheated on by your ex and I was wondering if I could take you out to dinner sometime, as friends if you would want that," he says, scratching the back of his neck and looking down.

"I'd love to join you for dinner," I answer.

Denny is such a sweet guy, and he is really cute. I don't think he would hurt me like Matt did, and I need to get over Matt.

"Sweet. How does Friday Night at seven sound?" He asks.

"That sounds great. I'll see you then," I reply.

I don't have to tell him my address because, him being my manager and all, he already knows where I live.

Me and Grace get out of my car when we get to Walmart, about a mile away from Matt's house. We walk inside together.

Denny knows about what we are doing, and about that Matt cheating on both of us, so he gave me his credit card again.

We go to the paint aisle after we grab a cart and find the spray paint. I grab black, blue, red, and grey bottles and put them in the cart. Two of each color.

Next, we go to the area where the kitchen knives are. Grace grabs two medium sized ones and puts them in the cart too.

After that, we go to the aisle with mulch and grab two twenty pound bags. We each grab one and put them on the bottom of the cart.

Then, we go to aisle with toilet paper. We grab one that has 64 rolls and grab four cartons of eggs with 12. We also grab three things of milk, while we're there, and 5 packages of sliced cheese.

We go to the sports area and grab two cheap baseball bats, two golf clubs, and a baseball. We also get two pairs of white gloves and a sharpie before we pay.

So the spray paint cost $2 each, 8 cans in all, the knives cost $2.50 each, 2 knives, the mulch costs $10 each, 2 bags, the toilet paper costs $14, the milk was $2 each, 3 total, the eggs were $2 each, 4 things, sliced cheese, 5 packages, the baseball bats were $12 each, 2 bats, the golf clubs were $10 each, 2 clubs, and the baseball was $5. The gloves were $2 each pair, 2 pairs, and the sharpie was $1. The total being almost $100.

We get into my car and drive over to Matt's house and see that his yellow Ferrari is parked in the driveway, idiot, and his white SUV is gone, so that means he is not home.

I take the key out of my pocket and me and Grace enter the house with all of the bags in our hands. We enter the living room an I take out a bottle of black spray paint.

I go up to the empty wall, put my gloves on, remove the lid from the bottle and begin painting the plain beautiful white wall.

Once I am done, I admire the words I had drawn, "It's over for both". I take a can of red spray paint and write it again and again while Grace does the same with her gloves on too with the other cans of spray paint.

"Now we need to do his furniture," Grace says with a smirk.

"Oh yeah," I say.

We take the two pairs of scissors and cut open all of the pillows on his furniture. Next, we take the spray paint again and paint all over the tv, couches, chairs, windows, and tables.

We have two cans left when Grace says, "Let's do his bedroom."

I follow her into Matt's bedroom and we paint his wall, bed, dresser, windows, and floor, but then we run out of spray paint.

"Aw we are out of paint," I pout.

"Now we can use the mulch," Grace cheers me up.

"Yay!" I yell.

We go back to the living room and grab a bag of mulch each. I go back into his bedroom and Grace goes into all the other bathrooms.

I open the bag and grab a handfuls of the brownish reddish mulch and spread it along his floor and bed. Next, I go to his bathroom and pour some in the sink, toliet, and bathtub. After that, I still have more, so I go into the studio and throw it all over the sound booth, music equipment and stuff like that. After I do that, I still have a little left, so I go into the kitchen.

I spred it all in the cabinets and sink. I also do it all over the floor in the kitchen. I finally run out of mulch and when Grace come backs into the kitchen, I see that she has too.

"You did a great job in here Alyssa," she says.

"I bet you did too Grace," I giggle.

"You bet I did," she responded. "I am going to break his TVs with a baseball bat. Be right back."

I give her a baseball bat and she starts busting the tv in the living room and moves to the bedrooms.

I take the other baseball bat and hit his kitchen table, breaking it into pieces. Next, I hit the pictures on the walls of him, shattering the glass. I put the baseball bat down and pick up the base ball and marker. I remove the cap of the marker and write "You lost at your own game" on it. I set it on the couch that is totally messed up. He will notice the baseball, I am just sure of it.

Grace walks back in, still with the bat and says, "Okay, he will be here any minute, so now we have to get to his car."

I nod and grab all of the trash and take it with us as we go outside and everything else.

I throw the trash away in his big garbage can outside and take a gulf club just as Grace does.

We start smashing his car. The windows, seats, headlights, everything. After we do that, we grab the cheese and unwrap them and stick them to the outside and inside of the used to be nice car. Next, we open the milk cartons and spill the milk all over the inside of the car. Then, we open the eggs and crack them on the car, house, and driveway. We take the toilet paper out of the plastic and throw them on his house and into his car.

This should teach him to not cheat on us. Next time he'll think before he cheats.

We throw everything away, not including the gloves, in the big garbage can outside.

All of a sudden, a big white SUV pulls into the driveway. Shoot! We are both dead now.

The window on the drivers side rolls down and we see.. Denny?

"Get in," he says and Grace gets in while I get into my own car.

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