Chapter Twenty Two

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Alyssa's POV

I walk down to the little park that is a couple blocks away from the house we are staying at for our honeymoon so I can get some fresh air. Matt left a while ago to get some groceries from the store in town so I am on my own for a few. I sit down on the first swing I come across and look at my surroundings while I rock back and forth on the swing. There is a little boy, maybe 6 or 7, on a swing, a couple down from the one I am on, and a lady, who I assume is his mother, pushing him. I look past him to see Matt? On a bench? With another girl? Kissing? You better hold my arms back, because I'mma start swinging.

I stand from the swing, walk over to where they are, and confront him, after they pull apart. Matt seems to have a weird expression, confusion probably from seeing me.

"Really Matt? We jut got married, and here you are kissing another girl?"

"What?! You're married?" The girl screams, getting up from beside him on the bench.

"Look, Alyssa. It was nothing, because I don't even kiss her. She just came up to me and started kissing me out of nowhere. I'm sorry, even though it isn't my fault," he says to me.

"Sorry doesn't always fix everything, Matt! Get that through your head! Stop making up excuses and man up to your own actions. Sometimes, I start to wonder, if this relationship mean anything to you. If I even mean anything to you.

"It sure doesn't seem like me nor the relationship we have means anything at all to you, considering the fact that you cheat on me. You also accuse me of cheating on you, but in reality, you're the one cheating on me! But you know what? The only reason why you can keep cheating on me, is because I keep forgiving you. Well, I am tired of giving you multiple chances and listening to your worthless lies. I am done!" I scream at him, while he looks up at me with complete shock.

The other girl is yelling at him too, but I don't know what it is, because I feel like my whole world was just brought down and crashing on top of me.

I don't know I was crying until I feel a tear reach my chin. I wipe away all of the tears and run back to the house.

I begin packing all of my belongings that I brought here, and call my mom.

She answers the phone and I ask, "Can you get me some divorce papers?"

"Honey why?" She sounds very concerned.

"Just get them please." I hang up the phone after those 4 words.

I put my phone in my pocket and take my laptop out. I search for the earliest tickets to Virginia, and I find one for August 16th, three days from today. I purchase and put my laptop back in my bag. I take my things and call a cab to pick me up. I am staying at a cheap hotel until the 16th.

I wake from the terrible dream with sweat all over me. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. Thank goodness it was a dream. Or what I it was just a sign? I just shake it off for now.

"Are you okay?" Matt asks, getting up.


I check the time on the clock on the nightstand right next to me. 5:42. I sigh, and get up to take a shower, because I can't stand staying sweaty like this. It is disgusting in my opinion.


Sorry for the short chapter, I just had to hurry up and get a chapter in!

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