Chapter Twenty Four

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Matt's POV

-The next day-

I told Alyssa that I would I grab her something for dinner since neither of us feel like cooking tonight.

I walk inside Taco Bell and wait behind other costumes until it was my turn to order. After about 5 minutes, I'm up.

"A number 3 and number 8," I tell the older looking lady.

She gives me my cups and I fill one up with Mt. Dew for me and lemonade for Alyssa.

The door opens and me being curious, I look to see who walked inside. My heart drops and so does my jaw. Standing there, smirking at me while mouthing 'I will ruin you', is the one who shot me, the one who got what he want without getting caught, the one and only.. Cameron Dallas.

Alyssa's POV

I was watching Law and Order SVU when Matt comes in with our food, but something is off about him.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask, getting up to be in front of him.

"I need to tell you something, but I need to have you sit down before I tell you," he says, as if he had just say a ghost pass by behind me. He sets the good and drunks down on the coffee table.

"Okay?" I say quite unsure.

"Um.. when I was at Taco Bell.. I kinda saw.. Cameron," he says nervously.

My heart drops and so does my jaw. Cameron? Cameron Dallas? The one who shot Matthew, the one that got what he wanted and got away with it, the one that almost brought my whole world down to the ground? The man I hate and always will? He's back? But why is he here where we are having our honeymoon at? Is he planning something evil again?

"He said something about ruining me," he tells me and I think I start feeling sick. What is up Cameron's sleeve?

Matt sees my reaction and says, "Don't worry baby, he will not hurt us again, okay? He can not tear us apart, okay babe?"

I nod my head and we begin to eat our food, but the thought of what Cameron could do to use came back to mind. You have no idea what Cameron is capable off. He is strong and very intelligent. Another thing, he always gets what he wants. Nothing stops him nor will anything ever get in his way.

Matt's POV

Even though I kept reassuring Alyssa that Cameron won't get to us, she was still out of it. She would smile, but the smiles did not reach her eyes like they usually do. Her laugh wouldn't last as long. She seemed as if she didn't trust my words of Cameron not going to try anything, but, to be completely honest, I don't trust my words either, because that smirk from earlier was so evil and cruel, and nobody, and I mean nobody, knows what he is capable of besides me and Alyssa. We have witnessed it first handed, and it wasn't a pretty scene to witness, with me laying on the floor losing blood from the bullet wound, waiting for the ambulance to come, and with Alyssa there leaning next to me crying her eyes out, also waiting for the ambulance to come. I never want to see Alyssa that sad or hurt ever again.

I look over at Alyssa peacefully sleeping while curled up into my chest. She is so adorable and I could never ask for a better wive, because there isn't a better wove than Alyssa, and I hope she knows that.

-Next morning-

I wake with no Alyssa next to me. I immediately start to panic and think about Cameron. Did he take her? I swear if he took my baby girl-

My though gets cut off from Alyssa coming back into the bedroom all smiley.

"What's got you all smiley?" I ask.

"I have a surprise for you," she responds.

"Okay," I say getting up out of bed, slipping on a pair of sweatpants and keeping it as without a shirt.

I follow her to the kitchen, which she dragged me to, and look at a plate of pancakes that have something spelled out with blueberries on top of them. It says..

Alyssa's POV

(Before Matthew wakes up)

I get up out of bed from the sudden urge to throw up. I go to the bathroom, outside of our toom, because I dot want to use out bathroom and risk waking up Matt.

After emptying out my stomach, a though comes to me, 'Could I possibly be pregnant?' We didn't use protection that time in the meadow, which was actually only two days ago. And that was my ovulation time. Now that I think about it, I didn't ovulate. Oh no.

I grab the keys to the Cadillac and hurriedly make my way to the car. I don't care if I am in my pajamas, because they are only a pair of short shorts and a tank top. I drive to the nearest drug store, about 10 miles away. I pull in and hop out, locking the car, and walk inside. I head to the pregnancy section and grab three different tests. I go the counter, pay, thank the lady, and drive back home.

I run into the house, to the bathroom farthest from our room and do what the instructions say. I pee on all three sticks and wait 5 minutes. After those 5 minutes are up, I take a deep breath then see what they say. They all have a + symbol on them. Oh no! What if Matt doesn't want to have kids and he gets angry and leaves me? Wait, why am I even thinking this way? I am sure Matt would want to have kids. We just haven't talked about this yet.

I throw the tests away and go to the kitchen to make some pancakes. I make some for myself than for Matt. After I am done eating mine, I set Matt's up. I put on pancake on the plate, put some syrup on top of it, and put the other pancake on top it, putting syrup on that pne, and putting the last pancake on top. I used blueberries to spell something that I want Matt to know on top.

I go back to the bedroom with a big smile on my face to wake Matt up, but only to be greeted by him sitting up and looking up at me as I walk in.

"What's got you all smiley?" he asks me.

"I have a surprise for you," I say.

"Okay," he says, and I take him, or practically drag him, to the kitchen after e puts on a pair of sweatpants and leaving his chest bare. I lead him to the pancakes I made him. He takes a look at what I spelled out with blueberries and hugs me then kisses me. On the pancakes spells.. I love you. I have decided to wait and tell him that I am pregnant. I don't feel that right now is the time.



I'm sorry for the constant changing of POVs but I guess that is how ended up wanting it to go.

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