Chapter Sixteen

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Alyssa's POV

"You will be betrayed."

"You shouldn't trust anyone."

"You will get hurt."

"Someone very close to you will turn on you."

"Be very careful."

"Watch those around you."

"Look at every little detail."

"You can only trust certain people."

"Something bad will happen to you tomorrow morning."

"Be ready."

I wake up sweating. Those voices were creepy, but I don't recognize any of them. What does all of that mean anyway?

I should do what the voice in my dream said to do, look at every little detail. I have to pay attention to everything that I look at, but that seems a little hard to do. And what if I am just being paranoid evacuee of a stupid dream?

I decide to forget about all of that and just go back to sleep, if that is even possible at this point, but I do end up falling asleep, since it is three in the morning.

I wake up to Matt shaking me.

"What?" I groan in frustration.

"The reporters are here baby," he says and kissed me then pulls back after a couple of minutes.

I totally forgot that I had a scheduled interview today!

"I'll be there in a minute." I say, pushing the blanket over my face before off again, groaning. I hear Matt snicker as he leaves the room.

After getting out of bed, I take out a cute little white sundress and undergarments.

I do my normal routine that consists of: showering, shaving, getting dressed, brushing my teeth, doing my hair, etc.

I slip on a pair of sandals and walk down to the living room of Matt's house.

"Welcome," I say to the reporter.

"Thank you. I am reporter Jane Garfield from Kohl Magazines, and must I say, this is a lovely home Ms. Davidson," the small brunette woman says. I sit on the love seat across from her, which she is on the couch.

I chuckle, "This is just my boyfriend's house." I make sure Matt isn't in the room and whisper, "My home is much nicer." I didn't want to let out the secret of me and Matt being engaged. I hope they can't see the ring, but I don't bother to cover it up.

She giggles and says, "Must we start with the interview?"


She tells the camera man to start recording.

She crosses her legs and put her hands over her left leg.

"Since we already know you have a boyfriend, may I ask, what is his name?"

"His name is Matthew Espinosa," I answer.

"But weren't you accused of ransacking his house and car about a month or two ago?" She asked, obviously confused.

"Yes," I reply, "but we somehow found love again for each other."

"Next. What are your new songs like?"

"Se are really upbeat, some break ups, and a lot of love songs. This album I am working on right now is focusing on love songs." I blink a couple of times because after I say all of that my vision goes weird.

"Now some fan questions; what is your favorite color?"


"Favorite Book Series?"

"The Divergent Series."

"Favorite appetizer?"

"Mozzarella sticks."

"Favorite meal?"

"Tacos of course!"

"Favorite singer?"

"I'm more into Justin Bieber and Bruno Mars, but I also listen to Eminem," I answer the question.

"Favorite Band?"

"I am a Five Seconds Of Summer gal." Gal? Why did I even say it like that?

"Who is your role model and why?" She looks directly into my eyes when she asks this question.

"My role model would be my mom. She has been tough, even though..." My eyes start to water and I wipe the tears away as they fall, "even though my sister passed away and m-my dad died i-in the military. He was in the Navy."

I wipe away more tears as they continue to come down. "He was such a good man. I remember him packing my lunch every day of elementary school, giving it to me and telling me to have a good day. To tell they boys to keep away from me or else he was going to hurt them." I chuckle at those memories. "One day he left and now he is gone. I love and miss him so much!"

"What if we told you that your father was living today?" She smiles.

"You can, but he is dead and there is nothing nobody could ever do about that," I say bluntly, still wiping at my eyes. Why would she say something like that?

"Oh but he is not dead. Come out here Steven!" She hollers.

Soon, a middle aged guy, about forty, comes from behind the couch which Jane is still seated in.

He stands up straight and walks toward me. He looks familiar.

Could it be?



Something way different.

I hope it was good enough for you guys to give me a vote?

So do you think it is her real dad or not? Comment!

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