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I think that Amy is the luckiest girl ever. I mean, she gets to spend her birthday in New York everywhere surrounded by her extended family. It's not fair that her mom abuses her.

I didn't get her anything. I decided that I would get her something at Comic Con, since she loves superheroes.

By the time we arrive back to Abingdon Court from that car ride from Roanoke, it's time for dinner. We get takeout- sushi.

We go to bed at around 9. I head back to Billy's apartment.

I meet Leila at her front door at 7:00 in the morning to set up a birthday breakfast for Amy.

"What's the cake?" I ask.

"Billy's bringing it. It's a chocolate cake, but there's a lot of grahm crackers involved to make it look like a castle. Fairytale themed, as usual." Leila sighs and whispers, "She still believes in Santa. "

We talk for a while, then start cooking. The bedroom door is closed, but Leo is the first one up. He tip toes outside.

"Can I wake up Amy?" He asks in a whisper.

"Not yet Kiddo." I say, and ruffle his hair.

"Are we doing the joint birthdays this year?" He asks.

"Yeah. It's cheaper. Ivy's birthday is so close enough that we can do a joint birthday again like last year, but we'll do it only as family. Alright?" Leila asks. Leo nods. We cook their favorite, bacon and chocolate chip pancakes.

Leo goes and wakes Ivy up.

I wake up Amy. Her hair is perfect. "Amy, wake up, it's your birthday."

"Morning Zach." She rubs her eyes and yawns.

"Come on, get up. We're going to have breakfast and open presents from us. Leila and Ivy and You are going on a shopping Spree with Trisha and Violet. I don't know what's going on tonight." She nods.

"Okay. Not that I hate you being here, but Ivy and I need to change. So you need to get out. " I walk out with Leo following me, and we get dressed in Billy's apartment. We return.

Amy walks out wearing a horizantaly striped black and white shirt matched with a blue belt and blue skirt.

Ivy walks out wearing a green dress with a brown belt.

Leo and I gap at the girls.

"Shut your mouths boys, you'll catch flies." Amy winked and walked into the little seating area.

"So, you guys are doing Joint birthdays? Uncle Billy will be over a few." I inform Leila, whose mouth opens for the question but I answer before she can ask.

Leila retreats to the kitchen, which oddly smells like bananas and chocolate.

"Yeah, we are. Money's a little tight here." Amy half smiles.

"So, why don't we unwrap some presents?" Ivy says.

"We have to wait for Billy. Then we have to start a video chat with Barny and Lily. " Amy says. "Sorry Ives."

"Okay! Let's play on the Wii U!" Leo suggests. We play Super Mario Bro's for a little while, then Billy comes over with his laptop. We start the video chat.

Amy and Ivy only have 5 presents each, but they don't seem to mind. I think this is normal for them.

Amy grabs the smallest box first in her pile, and Ivy grabs the largest in hers.

Amy unwraps her first and stares at it. It's an iPhone 5c from her grandparents. She squeals and turns her attention to Ivy. She gets a laptop.

All in all, Amy got an iPhone 5c from her grandparents, A phone case from Billy, gift cards from Lily and Barny, and a letter and an outfit from her dad (Her dad left something to give to her for each birthday if he ever died in his will.)

Ivy got a laptop from her grandparents, a phone from Lily and Barny, gift cards from Billy, and a phone case from her Mom and Leo, and some books from her dad(Like brother, he did the same thing as Amy's Dad.)

Once we ate breakfast, the girls went out and shopped all day long while the guys set up the surprise birthday party for Ivy and Amy. Leo was stuck with us, and in the afternoon he wanted ice cream. So we gave him some and he was willing to do the work afterwards.

The place looked pretty well decorated. I mean, it wasn't plain. Streamers hung everywhere, a new table cloth, a happy birthday sign strewn across the entrance of the living room, balloons filling up every visible space. A cake is on the table, fairytale themed with little figurines.

The guys and I heard keys pressing into the lock and hid quietly. In the kitchen (the curtains were closed), in the main bedroom, Leo hid in his bedroom and closed the door just in the nick of time.

The door opened. "What the frick?" Amy asked.

I heard Ivy smile as she said,"Its a surprise party."

"SURPRISE!" We ran out of our hiding spots and yelled loudly.

"Oh my gods.... BLOODY HELL ZACH! You told me you weren't going to do anything tonight and you couldn't come!" She punched me playfully.

"OW!" I exclaimed. "Well, it was impromptu."


"It was a surprise. We did this for you and you're seriously mad about the fact that I lied to you?" I chuckled. She was so cute when she was extremely angry.

"Yes! I mean it's a nice surprise, but honesly you could have told me that you were coming over tonight!" She flushed, cheeks burning bright red.

"Don't sweat it." I kissed her forehead gently as I pulled her in a tight hug.

"I missed you all day. You could have answered to my texts." She said, nuzzling her face into my chest. Her voice was muffled as she spoke.

"Texts don't compare to talking to you." I said quietly.

"It's still communication." She looked up at me, and I looked down on her.

"Communication, yes, voice to voice, no." I replied with a teasing smile. She tugged at the bottom of my shirt.

"Yo... We're still here!" Leo exclaimed. We took one look at him and started laughing. Everyone else started laughing and after a certain point we didn't know why anymore. It was fun.

Leila looked around after we all stopped laughing. "Now... who's up for some pizza from the Bronx?"

Authors Note:

I AM BACK!!!! This chapter has been stuck on this computer for the past 6 months and I just finally finished it.

SO I will be updating more on this story. I have an idea of what's going to happen in the next few chapters but if you have any suggestions, please tell me, because after Comic Con I have NO OTHER IDEA for what happens next. but I would like to extend this to at least 50 chapters and this is the 16th one so.... WE HAVE A LOT OF CHAPTERS TO WRITE.



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