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I felt really, really bad about Zach not going to the reunion because of me. But he didn't seem to mind.

Weeks passed, and I got better. I started learning how to walk again. It was hard, yes, and it definitely did hurt, but I always felt safe, knowing Zach was always next to me, ready to leap out and catch me if I lost my balance. My plushie collection increased, thanks to Mrs. Gordon.

One day, I called Peyton. It had been at least a month after the day we'd Skype'd the cast.

School had started, and while Zach went to Oak Park High, I stayed at home with his mom and she homeschooled me. 

"Hi, is this Peyton List?" Zach had left his phone at home that day, and I got into it (he didn't have a passcode).

"Zach? Why are you calling me? I thought you were in school!" Peyton asked confusedly.

"No, no, this is Amy. I hacked into his phone." I told her.

"Oh, Hi Amy!" Peyton said, and I swear I could hear her smile.

"Hey, I feel really bad for making Zach stay home instead of going to the reunion. Do you think I can make it up to him?" I asked.

"It'll be hard, but the whole cast is still in L.A. I can get us all to drive down there. When do you want us down there?"

"Halloween? Like a costume party thing?"

"Yeah! Zach and his dad always go out on Halloween during the day so they can do last minute decorating! That'll be the perfect time frame for us to get there and set up!" Peyton clapped her hands. "Amy you're brilliant! I can probably get Karan to come too! Oh, I need your phone number."

I gave her my number, and we started texting. I deleted Peyton's call from Zach's call history.

When Zach got home, I was in the kitchen, slowly making a snack and trying to walk, gripping onto the counter.

"Amy, you aren't supposed to be walking, not yet, not normally." Zach said, picked me up bridal style and over to the couch.

"I missed you at school." Zach murmured and kissed me softly. No makeout sessions, he had homework. 

I pulled away. "Not now Zach."

"Then at least let me make your snack." He nuzzled my cheek.

"Okay, then go." I smiled, and slowly, he got off the couch.

Minutes later he came back with my fruit and nutella, which was my favorite  snack.

"Any idea what we're going to do for Halloween?"

"Nope." He replied, popping the "p".

"Okay." I nodded.

This was going to be perfect.


A few weeks later, Halloween snuck upon us. I planned to be a cat, and Zach planned to be Frankenstein.

Peyton and I texted constantly. I'd informed everyone in the house except Zach.

It was Halloween. Peyton and the rest of the cast were coming up, and the trip from L.A. to Oak Park is about an hour and a half, without traffic. We kicked Zach and Mr. Gordon out to get last minute decorations.

The cast arrived shortly after Zach had left with his father and we spent a long time setting up. Each of us wore a different costume, in different themes.

"Hey." Peyton said, hugging me. She was dressed up as a steampunk princess. "Its nice to finally meet you."

"Yeah, likewise. Welcome to Zach's house."

"Wait, Zach?"

"Yeah, I, er, have been living with his family for a while now." I explained. "Come on in."

We spent the rest of the day decorating until Zach came home. I got to know the cast, and when I met Rachel, she turned into a motherly figure for me. Devon ruffled my hair. Robert gave me a big hug and told me he was happy that Zach was happy with me, and that I planned this for him.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Okay, here goes the big moment. Mrs. Gordon was filming.

I opened the door. "Hey Zach."

"You look beautiful. But what's going on?" He asked.

"Why don't you come in and see?" I asked, took his hand and brought him in.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted and Zach looked around wildly, then turned his eyes to me.

"You did this?"

"I wanted to make up for when you couldn't go to the reunion." I smiled up at him.

"I love you so so much." Zach said, spinning me around and kissing me on the lips.

It was the first time he said the phrase. Woah. Love. Big thing to say. I love you so so much. The words repeated in my head constantly.

I looked up at him. "I love you too. But right now, let's just enjoy ourselves." I grinned and pulled him towards his former cast mates.

Steve and Rachel pulled me over. "Even though we're not Zach's parents, thanks for making him so happy. Its a relief."

"You're welcome, I enjoy it." I smiled, and next up was Devon.

"Thanks. Its clear he loves you. Keep him close, and don't hurt him." Devon said, then walked away before I could reply.

The rest of the night, I just let loose.

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