Amy Chapter 7

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That night I had the most awful dreams anyone could imagine. Mark was hurting Zach and Mom was whipping me with her belt. Then they changed, and I began seeing me being shot in the head. It replayed over and over until I finally woke up and screamed. I'm pretty sure I woke everyone but the kids up.

"Amy, are you alright?" Aunt Leila ran to me.

"My mother... She shot me and killed me." I said.

"You're having those dreams again." She said worridly. "Amy, you need to understand this: Your mother murdered your father and uncle and got away with it. I was thinking about reporting them, but now this is serious. These hallucinations might be replaying the past, only you're in your father's position."

I opened my mouth to speak, but no words or sound came out. I was scared of my mother, what she would do to me when she was drunk. It was awful. My attempts to run away were useless- She would always find me in the end.

"It's okay sweetie. Just go back to bed. You'll be alright tommorow. " She said, and walked back to her room sleepily.

The next day, my mind raced over the dream. It wasn't a hallucination, right? My mother couldn't kill my father and Lee. She couldn't. She loved them.

I must have seemed distracted that day, because Zach was constantly waving his hand in my face. "Amy, are you alright? You seem out of it today."

"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking a lot." I replied.

"If it's okay with you, I sort of want to know. You're my girlfriend, and I'm worried about you." Zach said.

"It- It's something about my mother. She-She s-shot m-my f-father a-and uncle a-and g-got a-away with i-it." I stuttered.

"That's horrible! Why hasn't someone reported her?"

"Because I just found out. Aunt Leila only knows about it because she witnessed it. She took pictures. It's why I keep myself covered up. The beatings, the rapes... I lost my innocence at seven years old. Those scars are the reason I wear make-up. To not show the battle scars to anyone. I don't want pity. I guess all I've ever wanted, ever needed, is love." I explained.

"Why? You're so beautiful."

"Zach, I'm not. Here, I'll put my arm in water and show you." I said. His eyes widened as he saw everything... The cuts, the bruises.

"Does your mother do it?" He asked softly.

"Mostly. But it's her boyfriend who stole my innocence. "

"Amy, don't do this. Tell someone." He suggested.

"I can't. You can't sue her, because we have no solid evidence, and she's my mother. Even if I put her in jail for a death sentence, she's still going to be my mother, and I'll still love her even when she doesn't." I said. "Could we just change the subject?"

"Amy-" Realizing I didn't want to talk about it anymore, he said,"Alright."

"The Broadway show is going to be awesome. These kids are Ivy's age, and they're amazing actors!" I excitedly said.

"Yeah. " We had to go back to the apartments to get dressed. (Outfits are here:

Taking the subway to Times Square, we walked out to the restaurant and ate a quick dinner of burgers and fries with Billy and my family sans Trisha, Violet and Chad.

"This is going to be amazing!" I whispered to Zach as the curtain rose and the lights turned off.

"My mummy says I'm a miracle!" I watched as Zach's mouth slowly open.

The first act ended, and Zach and I got up.

"That was just... Wow." He said.

"You get that reaction every time." I smirked.

"I can't wait for the next act." He jumped up and down.

Ivy and Leo were cracking up. "Where's his thingy!" They exclaimed. I shook my head smiling.

"They'll never grow up." I smiled.

We returned to our seats and watched the second act. Zach's mouth fell open during Revolting Children and during When I grow up, he had tears in his eyes.

"That was amazing." He said.

"I told you." I pushed him playfully. We walked out and stood in the middle of Times Square. That night, all I could think about was Zach.

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