Amy Chapter 8

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AN: I'm sorry I haven't updated lately, I've been SUPER busy with Camp and roleplaying on Google + (Hehe... Let's keep that to ourselves) ANYWAYS this is just the drive down to Virginia and the trip to FAO Shwartz! (I had to include that because lets face it: FAO is the BEST toy store in the WHOLE WORLD.)

Let's get this show on the road!

I hope you enjoy :)


The next day, we had a baby sitter. YES, a baby sitter. Because 1. Leila wouldn't allow it since Zach and I were newcomers and she knew we would waste time trying to figure out the Subway system. And 2. The Babysitter was an ADULT and we were too young and we would look like another teen pregnancy story.

We headed down to FAO near Central Park and Zach said,"Okay guys, I'll buy you something... BUT it can't be video games and two, the price limit is 35 dollars. "

"Zach, I'm helping you with that. Things in New York are more expensive than the ones in California." I explained. He brushed it off.

"Amy, I'm fine, really." He said, giving me a smile.

"Jamie, what do you think about this?" I asked the sitter.

"I really don't care. He can spend all of his spending money today." She smiles.

"Okay." I nod.

We headed up the escalator and went into the first section that we saw: The boy section with all the superheroes. Naturally, my cousins headed for the minecraft section to select their stuffed toys(Ivy got an enderman, Leo got a minecraft ocelot) and I said,"You guys are big fans huh?" They both eagerly nodded.

After touring around most of the second floor, Zach asked, "Amy, what do you want?"

"I've never really thought about it. Could we go back to the jungle section? " I reply, blushing.

Our group walked back and I grabbed a stuffed animal gorilla. I smile, and we head out to pay.

Since Auntie Leila SPECIFICALLY told Jamie to take us to Max Brenners because its a chocolate/sweets restaurant and Ivy and Leo absolutely LOVE the place. Of course they have real food like pasta and pizza and burgers, but the theme for kids is mostly chocolate.

Sitting down in a six person table with five people was a little awkward, but it was okay. We ordered our food, and of course, Leo being Leo ordered chocolate waffles with whipped cream and gummy bears and rainbow sprinkles along with do it yourself hot chocolate with milk being heated by a candle underneath the cup and tiny chocolate chunks to drop in to melt and drink. I only know this because that is what Leo orders practically every time.

I ordered from the kids menu as well, and I got pasta. Ivy got pizza. Jamie just got fries. Zach got a burger and fries.

We didn't talk much... It was only Leo trying to annoy everyone. But that was funny too.

On the subway ride home, Leo was literally vibrating on the seat- he was jumping up and down silently and lowly. He had too much of a sugar rush. I smile and look at Zach, who seems to have been staring at me for quite some time. Zach smiles and pulls me closer to him.

"Hey Amy." He says in a low voice.

"Hello Zach. You excited for the wedding?" I asked.

"Yeah... I guess... But what if I mess up?" He looks worried.

"You won't, I promise. " I hug him and let go. I look at him. "I'll help you plan the speech for the rehearsal dinner, okay? We're in this together." I smile.

He smiles back and kisses my forehead. "Thanks."


We rented a huge 15 person van to ride down to Roanoke. We didn't use two rows of seats because we didn't need it, and it turned out to give us more room for luggage in the trunk.

Chad drove, Aunt Leila sat shotgun, (In order from Left to right) I sat next to the window, Zach sat next to me, And Ivy sat next to Zach. In the row after, Leo sat next to the window, with Aunt Trisha in the middle and Violet at the end.

The first hour of the ride slowly got less exciting. Violet talked the whole way, and Chad kept trying to look for an Arby's, but finally we stopped at a rest stop and got burgers for a late dinner.

After we had driven for about 6 hours, almost everyone had fallen asleep except me and Chad, who was driving. It was 12 AM and I couldn't sleep.

"You still awake Amy? It's late." Chad asked.

"Yeah... I just can't sleep. I can't." I whispered back, because Zach was next to me, sleeping, breathing softly.

"You really love him, don't you?" He asks.

"Yeah... But I'd never admit it... It's embarrassing. He's the first person that broke down my walls.... The first person who I loved, and maybe will love until the end of time. He's the first person that made me feel happy and belonged and loved." I smile. "Sometimes I wish I could tell him, say it's true... But I can't... I don't know if it even is... or ever will be."

"You never know... You can always change your fairytale ending. Your life is built up of your decisions."

I smile, curl up next to the window and slowly, lightly fall asleep.


SO HERE IS THE FAMOUS CHAPTER YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! I can not tell you how long I've wanted to write this but I never had time so YAY! I finished it! haha..... Jeez, I'm acting so random right now. Special thanks to my friends cindyluwhowho and cjdearden because they are awesome and their stories are amazing and you NEED to go follow them, like right now. I'm so happy... This story has reached 101 views and that just makes me so happy that you people are reading this and I'm going to shut up now and write the next chapter!


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