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Remember me?

As the days went by, Zach and I hung out more. Finally it was time for my annual trip to New York. You see, before Dad died, he put in around almost all of his savings into his will to me to visit my aunt and uncle sans my mother if she ever turned crazy(Which she did). So every year she allowed me to go out there and visit. Only to catch up. The rest of the year, I was to have no contact with any of my family at all, which was sort of upsetting, seeing as I could only have 2 weeks with my dad's side. Mum's side never even cared to call or invite us out.

"Zach?" I asked, knocking on the door. He answered it.

"Oh hey! Listen, I was thinking we could go to the cafe or something-" He said.

I interrupted him. "It would be lovely but Zach, I just need to talk to you right now."

"Oh." He said. "Well, come on in." He let me in.

"So, as you know, my birthday is coming up." He nodded. "I would have a party, but you see, I'm actually gonna be in New York." I said.


"It's the only time I can communicate with family." I replied. "It's sort of like my sanctuary. An annual one, of course."

"Oh. Will I still be able to call you?" He asked.

"Sure, if I'm not too busy." I shrugged. "Maybe go to a broadway show, check out FAO Schwartz, hangout with the cousins... There's so much to do there."

"Yeah. Well, um, could I give you my present later?" He asked.

"I leave tommorow." I said, furrowing my brow. "But okay." I smiled. I got up from the couch.

"Well, see you later." I said, standing next to the door.

"See you soon." He said. As I walked home, my mind pondered on what he said. See you soon? What did that mean? See you soon on video chat? I didn't understand.

The next day, I called for a taxi to pick me up at the end of the block. I didn't see Mom when I left. Must have been hangover.

Getting off the plane to New York was refreshing. I hopped in a cab to uncle Alex's house in Grapeneck.

Andre was somewhere asleep, so I settled for the the other master bedroom and soon fell into my dreams.

The next day, Uncle Alex drove me to the train station and I used my Metro card all the way to the nearest station to my cousins' house.

I knocked on the door 3 times to let them know it was me, then stepped back.

"Hi Amy!" Aunt Leila wrapped me in a hug then let me in.

"Welcome to our apartment! Here's the living room and-" Ivy led me through the apartment.

"Ivy, I know this place inside out. You give me tours every year." I laughed.

"Well the tour isn't the best part. Uncle Barny's getting married!"

"With Lily?" I asked. Ivy nodded in excitement.

"Two days before your birthday!" Leo turned up.

"Hey Leo! I hope you got over that faze."

"Nope." He replied, smiling. Let me explain. Leo is Ivy's younger brother, who just loves to yell out inappropriate stuff. Ivy is 11. Leo is 7.

I turned to my phone. Zach was calling for a video chat. "Excuse me, I have to take this." I motioned to my phone and ran into the bathroom.

"Hey Zach." I said quietly.

"Hey, get off the right plane?" He asked.

"Yeah I did. I miss you."

"Me too." I walked out into the living room.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Leo asked obnoxiously.

"No, just a friend." I replied.

Just as I said that, Ivy sang,"but you touched me for a little while!" That set Leo off.

"Penis! Penis! Penis Penis PENIS!" Leo sang in the background.

"Leo, can you please be quiet?" I asked, only to have him respond yelling penis.

Zach smirked. "Cousins?" I nodded.

"You haven't heard the end of it."

"Cool. Well I have to go, Mum sends her love, though."

"Oh, okay, bye." I said.

I walked into the kitchen, smiling."Need any help, Aunt Leila?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. What's on your mind honey?"

"Oh nothing."

"It's Zach, isn't it? He's such a sweetie... Calling you to make sure you're safe. You really like him, don't you?"

"Auntie, where did you get that idea?"

"You smile when he talks to you. You have a bounce in your step, and no sadness in your eyes. He's good for you."Aunt Leila said.

"Mother would never allow us to date. The way she treats me..." I trailed off.

"Oh, I'm thinking about reporting your mother and Mark. The way she acted at the funeral... She completely changed."

I nodded and started cutting up the carrots and celery. "Who knows? I'll want to meet the boy once you make it official."

"Auntie, that's only if I find out he likes me. He hasn't been acting weird at all. He just acts like any boy would. I'm beginning to think he just wants to be friends. " I replied.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that." Auntie smiled. "Who knows? Maybe it's true love."

"True love isn't real." I said, rolling my eyes. "Besides, that stuff only happens in fairytales."

"You never know, a fairytale ending might be around the corner." Auntie said. And with that, she left the kitchen.

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