Chapter 2

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Since school had let out for the summer, I walked over to Zach's house. Might as well try to help him get his memories back.

"Hi, Zach." I said when he opened the door.

"Um... Amy, isn't it? Well... we're busy right now..."

"Doing what exactly?"

"I'm... Doing chores! Yes, I'm doing chores." He said. His eyes looked to the left. He was lying.

I crossed my arms. "What type? Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me Zach." I said defiantly.

"Fine, you can come in." He said and left the door open for me to walk in.

"What are you here for?"

"I want to try to bring at least some of your memories back." I said. "Please, Zach, it will only take one photo album to prove to you that I did know you. Before your career started."

"Alright." He said


"Here." I opened the photo album. "The first time we met each other." I said. In the picture, I was smiling as hard as I could. I held hands with Zach. "And our first kiss." I smiled remembering that day.


"Happy birthday Amy." 6 year old Zach said.

"Thank you Zach."

"I know I gave you a present already, but I want to give you another one. Something Mom calls a kiss." My 6 year old self nodded slowly.

"So I thought that I could give you that." He had walked up some more so that there was only an inch between us. He gave me a short little peck then blushed tomato red.

"I hope you liked it. Mommy says I need to go, but I want to stay here with you."

"Zach, you need to follow her rules. I'm sorry you need to go. Thank you for coming and the kiss." I said.

*End Flashback*

"Wow. I always thought my first kiss was with Peyton. How come... How come I can't remember these things?"

"You hit your head at school, which made you fall in a coma. Memory loss about me, the person you knew the most besides yourself."

"Well, thank you for showing me this. Could I come over sometime?"

"No! I mean, it would be lovely but my mother wouldn't allow it. How about we meet up at the park, or a cafe?" I shot down the idea immediately.

"Well, um, they'll be coming after me."

"I'll just come over tommorow then. Bye!" I said and walked off home.

Remember Me?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora