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The Fourth of July was coming up soon, and every year there was a huge party thrown by my family. Ruby, an old friend of Ivy, came earlier to hang out with us. They were currently playing minecraft while I helped Aunt Leila and Aunt Trisha in the kitchen. Chad (Trisha's husband) was currently watching Violet, their only child. She was very cute and talkative.

"So, will I finally meet Lily? I've only met her once." I asked.

"Of course! She's going to be hanging around a lot, so don't you worry hon." Aunt Trisha said with a strong Brooklyn accent.

"We're going to see Matilda as well." Aunt Leila said.

"That musical is amazing! The singing, the dancing... I could never do that." I smiled.

"Maybe some day you will." Aunt Trisha said.

"Yeah. Maybe." I said.

A knock on the door came, and Aunt Leila swung it open to reveal Billy. He was an old family friend.

"Hey Leila. I brought my nephew... Do you mind?" Billy said.

"No, of course not."

"Come on Zach, don't be shy." I peeked out from the kitchen door and gasped in surprise.

"Zachary? Oh my god, Zach!" I cried, walking quickly to him and hugging him. "What are you doing here?"

"I sort of wanted to be here for your birthday." Zach said sheepishly.

"Well come on in Zach! Won't be long before you make it official, the way things are going on now." Aunt Trisha said.

"Hi bucket head." Leo said. He grinned a michevious smile that was his specialty.

"No, Leo don't-" It was too late. Leo poured a slushie onto Zach's head.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Here, why don't we get cleaned up while Aunt Leila talks to Leo." I said, dragging him to the tiny bathroom.

"Well that was a nice hello." Zach joked.

"I'm really sorry about the way Leo acted. Maybe because I've been talking to you a lot." I said, taking a towel and starting to clean off his face of the red dye.

"Its alright. Gives you a feel of what the real world is like."

"Are you sure? Because I can always punish him." I replied.

"Don't. He has good intentions, trust me." I smiled.

"Well not for the family. I think that he wants to start a pranks buisness with his best friends." I looked at Zach. "All cleaned up." I said.

"Thanks, Amy. You're a life saver." I smiled.

"Violet, wake up honey, time to eat." Aunt Trisha said. The first thing we heard was a high pitched "Meow" from the two year old before she jumped out of the stroller.

"Zach, meet Violet. She's my second cousin, not by blood though." I said, introducing them. Violet stared at Zach before walking up to Aunt Leila and hugging her on the leg.

"Quiet, huh?" I said.

"She's only a baby. You can't just expect her to talk to a stranger." Zach replied.

"True. Why don't we go out to the dining room and eat? The kids are eating whatever cold leftovers that the grownups didn't eat." I suggested.

"Sure." We walked through the kitchen to the little dining area.

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